

Responses from mofimadness

Direct coupled tube preamp?
The Cary SLP98 preamp can be special ordered "direct coupled".http://www.upscaleaudio.com/products/manufacturer/man-a-d/cary-audio/slp-98p.html 
Grace F-9
Al is right. All of the F-9 series were high output moving magnets. The styli differed in shape and materials used.http://www.vinylengine.com/cartridge_database.php?m=Grace&t=any&mod=&sort=1&Search=Search&sty=&ovlo=&ovh... 
The "pf" (picofarads) setting is usually only needed by MM, (moving magnet) cartridges. Shouldn't really matter with moving coils. 
DAM Broken tube?
I had that same thing happen a couple of times. The tubes worked just fine each time. It could just a loose piece of wire or structure that will rebond once it gets hot enough. 
What Song Reminds You of Your First Love?
"Meal Ticket" by Elton John, actually the whole "Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy" album. She was my first and I will always remember her.Summer 1976 
Replacing The Stock EH 6SN7 Tubes For Cary SLP 05
Depending on how much you want to spend?1. Shuguang "Black Treasure"2. Sophia Electric3. New production Tungsol 
Question: Is it "Tone Arm" or is it "Tonearm"?
I say 'Tonearm", one word. 
Tyler Acoustics my experience
Last time I was in front of "a wall of pure slammimg sound" was at a Rolling Stones Concert in Boulder, Colorado...my ears rang like crazy for 6 weeks. Wasn't a fun time. 
Please identify this speaker
Sorry, here is a clickable link:http://www.beoworld.org/prod_details.asp?pid=954 
Please identify this speaker
That looks like a B&O system, not a speaker. Kind of like this one, but 4 CD instead of 6:http://www.beoworld.org/prod_details.asp?pid=954 
Cassette Deck??
Check your local Craigslist for a Nakamichi or Denon or a Harmon Kardon. 
Amp more important than speakers?
I'm from the speaker first camp. Find what you really like the sound of and build up from there, around the speaker. 
sub for Studio-20s?
Paradigm makes some excellent subs. I'd look there. 
Cat-proofing your speakers...
A Rottweiler or Doberman would be my choice. 
can i improve my system with a better cd player?
Rotel RCD-1072, used around $400-$450. Excellent for the money.