

Responses from mofimadness

Tube preamp with the "most" for 1k used, 2k new?
Which components are "stupid good"?
Eastern Electric MiniMax DACModwright LS100 PreampGrover Huffman Interconnects 
Sumiko Talisman Virtuoso
I was a dealer and sold and owned both the Virtuoso Boron and the DTi. They were/are excellent cartridges. The DTi provided better channel seperation and balance and was smoother sounding. It also threw a wider and deeper soundstage. I still have ... 
CD's vs Vinyl - Finally hear the difference
But we're lucky that tens of thousands of used albums which are on vinyl, but not CD. Works both ways... 
I Need Help With A Discontinued Cartridge
A lot of high output MCs have a 47k ohm impedance load. Makes it easier to mate with standard MM inputs. 
1K dac
I second the recommendation of the EE MiniMax DAC. What a honey of a unit! 
looking for a good tubed dac
I will third the recommendation of the EE Minimax. Best DAC I have owned. Try some opamp rolling and find the right tube and you'll have a top notch setup. 
Rega P9 vs Musical Fidelity M1
Stay with the Rega P9. It's one SWEET table. 
Odyssey Mono Extremes SE Which input to use?
I didn't ever notice a difference in sound between the XLR and RCA inputs on my Stratos amps. I do like the way the XLRs plug in. Better connection and connector, IMHO. 
Does the original Adcom 545 accept spades?
Yes, your spades will work. Here is a pic of the back of an original Adcom 545:http://www.canuckaudiomart.com/view_images.php?cat=Amplifiers&catnick=amplifiers&cfid=211109&image_id=2053224 
"Paper Airplane"
I've read several reviews that think this album is one of their best. I agree with the above and I'm a HUGE AKUS fan. 
One of my closest friends is gone.
Anybody A/B Huffman & Mojo RCA's Interconnects
While I haven't even heard of the Mojo product, I can state that the Grover Huffman cables are incredible.Having been in the high-end audio business for quite awhile, I have owned or sold or listened to, almost every cable brand out there. There's... 
One of my closest friends is gone.
I too knew Brooks pretty well. I am so sad to hear this. He was a wonderful man and human being. He will be missed... 
Am I in the minority?
I am also a "physical" media guy. Never tried the computer route and right now, I really don't have any interest in it.I love looking through my massive CD and LP library and picking out just the right music for my mood at the time. The LP cover a...