

Responses from mofimadness

Tony Lewis has passed away...(lead singer/bassist of the group The Outfield)
Chuck Nazty, (Charlie Blackmon of the Colorado Rockies) has always used "Your Love" as his walk up song. 
Negotiate good price
You are a tire kicker, using his facility for demoing gear that he has purchased, setup in a paid for venue that employs people. +1 
Classe 25A amplifier
Excellent amp.  I was a Classe dealer back in the day and loved this amp.  Agree with George, dark, smooth, open, just a wonderfully musical amplifier. 
Cartridge recommendation please...
Goldring E3. My sleeper cart of the year. Fantastic reviews and a wonderful sounding cartridge.https://www.whathifi.com/us/goldring/e3/reviewRetails for around $200, but can found for a little more than $100. Bested my Ortofon Red and Blue, (both ... 
(Fun music)
Taken it's this time of year:The Monster Mashhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNuVifA7DSU 
Precision fidelity C7 preamp
Try Stephen Sank at Talking Dog Transducer Company. IMHO, he is one of the best techs in the country.http://www.thuntek.net/~bk11/home.htm 
Obtaining new "original" boxes
"It is my experience that Magnapan does not respond well to out of country (Mexico) e-Mail requests."Have you tried calling them?  International Phone: 651-426-1645Business Hours: 8 AM – 3:30 PM Mon – Fri, CST  
Can anyone recommend an FM Receiver that would play into a relatively high end system?
+ however many for Magnum Dynalab.  Excellent tuners. 
Can anyone identify the model of this speakers?
erik...the OP stated in his original post: Presumably of German origin, early 90s.There are no signs inside.Inside the acoustic: Vifa speakers, Mundorf capacitors, Eagle Calypso wire. Both Mundorf and Eagle are German made, so IMHO, they’re some s... 
Can anyone identify the model of this speakers?
I agree that they look, (external anyway) like a modified transmission line. Can’t tell for sure without seeing the inside structure.I was really amazed when I made my first audio sojourn to the U.K. at how many brands that I had never seen or hea... 
What's In Your Tape Cassette Deck Tonight?
UPDATE:  Cassette Store Day is now Cassette Store Week!  Just found out about this, sorry for the late news, but it's still going strong.  I bought a couple of titles.  These have always been pretty obscure, but I like supporting the independants.... 
Can anyone identify the model of this speakers?
I can't see them either. 
Old school speaker in new threads
I was a Magnat dealer many moons ago.  They were a completely different speaker back then.https://www.google.com/search?q=Magnat+Magnasphere&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS790US790&sxsrf=ALeKk02_Vq... 
An older model Magnepan question, 10.1
I was a Magnepan dealer and personally owned a pair of 10.1QR's.  They were designed to be used with a subwoofer.Magnepan only rated them down to 80hz and in most rooms, you were lucky to get 100hz out of them.They sounded like typical Maggies.  F... 
VAC Standard LE
With MM phono, they were $4500.  There were quite a few options and upgrades available, but the base unit was $4500.