

Responses from mofimadness

Record clamp
I agree! That cartridge needs a much nicer table, ( I am also a current Rega & Kiseki owner and former dealer for both). The P3 is an excellent table, but that Purple Heart deserves better!I use an Aluminati weight on my P25.  They used to sel... 
Name of album???
I bought this CD when it first came out many years ago.  It's been one of my favorites through the years.Quite Good! 
RIP Nanci
I just heard this!  How sad.  I LOVE Nanci.  Seen her live many times and have just about everything she's ever recorded.I was just listening to "Late Night Grande Hotel" a couple of nights ago.R.I.P. Nanci and THANKS for all the GREAT music!!! 
Canare 4S11
The Canare 4S11G is a custom, special order product that has a 500M minimum order, (well, that's the way it used to be anyway).Maybe a group buy?  :-) 
The Audio Circuit website
Try here:http://www.audiocircuit.com/Home-Audio/Acoustat 
what is the best cassette tape maker in your experience?
This cassette body is awful even if they use good tape! I haven't had any problems with them.  Maybe you should try one before you comment on something you aren't familiar with? 
Lucky cartridge hunting today
In the other side the DTI is the best HOMC I listened in my life and a very especial design where its cantilever is coated not with the " humble " gold but with diamond, a keeper too. +1  I've owned hundreds and hundreds of cartridges and the ... 
what is the best cassette tape maker in your experience?
If you guys are like me and still taping, this company bought all the remaining Maxell XLIIS bulk tape, (on pretty huge pancake reels) and you can order almost any length of tape.  This is one of my favorite tapes and have ordered quite a few and ... 
what is the best cassette tape maker in your experience?
I've always thought of those low end tapes as pretty much junk.  I tried a few, but never had any luck.  Major dropouts, crinkled tape in the middle, rewinding and having the tape break off the spool, etc.Anyone remember DAK tapes?  Probably the w... 
what is the best cassette tape maker in your experience?
Maxell and Fuji.  Denon also made a great tape.  "That's" was a brand that unfortunately came in to late to the game, but was excellent also. 
The Immediate Family
@artemus_5...Thanks for the mention of "The Barefoot Servants"!  Never heard of them, but found (2) albums via streaming.  EXCELLENT!   
Martin Logan panel disassembly?
Try your question here:https://www.martinloganowners.com/ 
Never heard of her.  Thanks for the post.  Need to go find her albums to stream... 
JOB Electronics is no longer
You're right!  Sorry.  This was back in 2019. 
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2021
 I read “Rocky Mountain oysters” +1  Bruce's Bar In Severance Colorado.  Home of the RMO!