

Responses from mofimadness

What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Tboooe...thanks for the recommendation of Zee Avi! I listened to it last night and really enjoyed it.I also listened to the new Paul McCartney album "New". It is being touted as "Beatlesque". Not sure I agree. Need to give it another spin... 
Record stores in New Orleans .....
For a real special treat, see if you can swing by the Prytania Theatre at midnight for the showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.I promise you the time of your life. I've been there probably a dozen times and it just gets better.This is the sho... 
Record stores in New Orleans .....
I love N'awlins. Not sure I would want to there on Halloween? Be careful and stay away from the Voodoo shops. I have bought records there, but can't remember where the stores were/are...sorry!I did find this:http://www.gonola.com/2013/04/20/gonola... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
The new Patty Griffin "Silver Bell" and the new Diane Birch "Speak A Little Louder".Both are excellent! Diane Birch is one of my new female singer/songwriter favorites. Her debut album "Bible Belt" is tremendous. 
IMO the two best tracks to demo or test any system
It's Roger WATERS, not WALTERS. That's why Czarivey asked. 
Dahlquist DQ10: what is best way to power?
What's your budget? 
musical fidelity v series discontinued ?
They actually announced this awhile ago. The new V90 Series replaces it. 
PreAmps; Ref-3 vs. LS-26
While the LS26 is an excellent preamp, the REF 3 is indeed a step or two up the ARC food chain. 
Speaker repair crossovers for Mission
That sounds like just a loose connection. You might try to remove the whole backplate and tighten the binding posts from the inside.Also, make sure if you are using the jumper bars, that they are tight against the binding posts. 
My Rogue 99 preamp is haunted?
It would have been funnier (or scarier) if it had been an Ouija board! :-) 
Maxell or TDK?
IMHO they both excellent brands. I was always a Maxell man, but you can't go wrong with either.Fuji also made a really good cassette tape, back in the day. 
VPI HW-19 Springs
The difference in color of the springs was for the amount of tension/compression of each spring. I do not recall which color went where on the table.IIRC, the springs with the all black plastic top were from the MKI, the black top with the three s... 
RIP Panny Plasmas
Here is a link to the story:http://www.cnbc.com/id/101098518 
Tube Dealer Recommendation
Kevin Deal at Upscale Audiohttp://www.upscaleaudio.com/VacuumTubes/Jim McShanehttp://www.mcshanedesign.net/tubes.htm 
Oppo 103d darbee?
I think for the $100 difference over the basic model this would be a no brainer.