

Responses from mofimadness

What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Ghost...yes, that's Richard's ex-wife. She has several solo albums out and all are terrific. 
5AR4/GZ34 Rectifier Tubes
I'm pretty sure he got them on E-Bay. Here is the link:http://www.ebay.com/itm/Genalex-Gold-Lion-NEW-NIB-U77-5AR4-GZ34-Rectifier-tube-Test-NEW-/181256766389?pt=Vintage_Electronics_R2&hash=item2a33bec3b5 
Help Inherited Sonus Faber Speakers
I just checked E-Bay and two pair have sold recently at $1500 and $1600. There is a pair right now on auction that are up to $1200 with just a short time to go. 
Help Inherited Sonus Faber Speakers
The new retail price I found online was between $3250 and $3500. These are now about 15 years old.Usually used speakers resell for around 40%-50% of their retail value. Of course, there are exceptions, but IMHO, these fall into that usual category... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Tonight was:The brand new Linda Thompson release "Won't Be Long Now"...excellent. Highly Recommended! 
VPI Traveler
If you watch the video I posted above, around the 4:30 minute mark, Harry talks about the redesign of the arm on the Traveler.I have setup several of these tables and I find them very well made. If you can swing the extra money for the Classic 1, ... 
I did start the thread about Feedbands and decided to go ahead and subscribe also. I have every LP so far released and I am also very impressed.The pressing quality has been excellent and the band choices have been decent also. There have been (6)... 
Spatial Computer Velocity Bridge VB1
Bif...I was just reading about these. Please let us know what you think of them. 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Last night was:Linda Thompson's brand new release "Won't Be Long Now"The Plimsouls "Everywhere At Once" 
What's under your sub?
I use these under my subs with great results:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001140OZ0/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1 
Will Grace F9 Cart work with Rega RB250 tonearm?
I have three Grace F9Es that Peter has retipped for me. I have used them with excellent results on the RB250, RB300 and the RB600 arms on various tables throughout the years. Along with many other arms and tables.Most recently the cartridge was mo... 
FeedBands...new subscription LP service
I started this thread and decided to go ahead and subscribe also. I have every LP so far released and I am also very impressed.The pressing quality has been excellent and the band choices have been decent also. There have been (6) releases so far.... 
Best Class A amp with SLAM
Pass Labs XA100.5 or XA160.5 
Apogee Diva Ribbon Speakers - I need an amp
Sanders Magtech, (stereo or mono).[ur]http://sanderssoundsystems.com/products/amplifiers/magtech-amp[/url] 
Latest tunes
Donjr...An even better Peter Wolf album than "Sleepless" is "Midnight Souvenirs". Excellent and high recommended!