

Responses from mofimadness

Anybody a high-end pen collector here?
I have a really nice BIC pen that I like. I'll be sad when it finally runs out of ink and I have to throw it away :-) 
What is the answer?
Forty-Two (42) 
How good are recievers these days?
Belles 150A HotrodOdyssey StratosSonographe SA-250 or SA-400Parasound A-23All of these used are in your price range and will be much better than the Pioneer. 
Is this level of "needle talk" normal?
Doug...what I so ineloquently was trying to explain, is that with a transducer you need the "mechanical" movement to be transduced. This would be exactly what you stated, (much better than I did). 
Is this level of "needle talk" normal?
The cartridge is a transducer. It changes mechanical energy, (the signal) into electrical energy. The speaker is the other transducer which changes the electrical energy (signal) back into mechanical energy, so that we can hear it.This is quite no... 
Sorry, I should have included the following link. If you scroll down the page a little, it tells you how to connect it to a wireless system:SONOS WIFI 
From the Sonos FAQ page:With Sonos version 5.1, you can now connect Sonos to your wireless network directly, without using any Ethernet cables.Are there any settings I need to be aware of?Sonos communicates over a 2.4GHz home network supporting 80... 
Buying a used cartridge...tell us your tale.
I have bought and sold MANY used cartridges and have never had a bad experience on either side. 
Tidal HiFi Streaming?
I've had Tidal since the first day it was available. LOVE IT! I don't listen to classical and have found almost everything I've ever searched for.FANTASTIC sound quality too. 
Matt...Sonos just added the wireless feature a short while ago by a software upgrade. Your unit may not have it yet. You might need to hook it up with an ethernet cable the first time to download the new version. Then it should work fine. 
McIntosh & the Bachelor Pad
To quote from Fast Times At Ridgemont High:Mike Damone: "And five, now this is the most important, Rat. When it comes down to making out, whenever possible, put on side one of Led Zeppelin IV." 
Linn Records 24-Bits of Christmas...FREE Downloads
If anyone missed any or all of these this year, Linn is giving you until January 6th to download them all.Thanks Linn! 
Finally "HiFi" streaming - comments on Tidal???
Wow...you guys are late to the game. This was discussed over a month ago.Tidal 
Magnepan 3.6R tweeter replacement - Any suggestion
Rhanson...Magnepan never made a 2.2? They had II, II Improved, IIA, IIB, IIC, 2.5R, 2.6R & 2.7R models.Not sure what you had, but your advice about the fuse is good. Check it to make sure.I've seen LOTS of toasted tweeters/panels on Maggies. U... 
Soundstage - when wide is too wide
"then it's the way it was recorded and mixed."+1