

Responses from mofimadness

Teac TN 550/570
Just saw those. Look pretty damn cool with that faux marble top plate. Seem to be pretty well priced too.The one I’m waiting to hear and see is the new 25th Anniversary Pro-Ject Classic table and arm. Looks like a Linn or an AR or even an early Lu... 
Tidal streaming needle-drops?
After folkfreak’s post, I pulled out my CD, which I haven’t listened to in quite awhile.Yeah, it’s recorded that way. 
Manley Chinook
Sorry you had a problem.  Unfortunately, defective gear does occur.  At least it was still under warranty.Manley equipment is pretty well built and reliable.  Sounds like a ground issue. Maybe a cold solder joint. 
Low volume on turntable??
lewm...there is no way he could have gotten that rig to a volume level that he could even perceive a frequency imbalance.  It would have been barely loud enough to even hear.  He even states that it was "ultra quiet".I completely agree with you th... 
Low volume on turntable??
Al...thank you for the very kind words. 
Low volume on turntable??
Shure M97xE around $70Ortofon 2M Red around $100These (2) IMHO, are better than the AT100E.  I have the AT95E on one of my tables and it's a great little performer.  Not sure if the AT100E is really a step up. 
Low volume on turntable??
Swamp beat me to it. What he said is correct. Also, the preamp out will work, but you will have to use the volume control on the Sony to raise the output level.The signal coming from the "tape out" is fixed and cleaner, so that would be best sound... 
Who has tried "TIDAL" vs other streaming applications?
The illuminati here will definitely tell you Tidal is better...vastly better +100! Tidal’s biggest cheerleader here. Yeah, nice system.Tidal has a student discount:https://my.tidal.com/us/account/subscription/offer/student 
Low volume on turntable??
The Schiit Mani is a great little phono stage and sells new for $129. That would be a great match for your Denon table and AT cart.  Better than the NAD.http://schiit.com/products/mani 
Jaw Dropping
it sold for $305...where are you getting $20,000 from????The OP posted the link for the 7" 45RPM, which did sell for $305.  I stated just after that, that I saw a "Black Album" for an asking price of $20K. Sorry for the confusion. 
Low volume on turntable??
Your Cary preamp doesn’t have a phono stage in it. It’s line level only. You will need to get an outboard phono stage or buy a new preamp that has a built-in phono input.RIAA, (cartridge) output needs to be boosted to a higher level.Here's a prett... 
Rush 180g re-issue and sonics
I have "Moving Pictures", "Permanent Waves" & "2112" and agree with Steve. They are very nice sounding.I haven’t compared them to my original first pressing US copies, but I’m happy with them. 
Best Rock Album of 2016
Beth Hart is painful! Yeah, she's painfully WONDERFUL!  One of my favorite female vocalists.  Sorry if you don't like her, but hey, haters are gonna hate as the kids say... 
How to sell fuse on Audiogon?
You can always do a "basic" ad for $4.00 plus 2%, if it sells. The basic ad is kinda hard to find on the listing page, but it’s there as a small link which is right under the green "Create Listing" box on the bottom of the page. 
thanks to Audiogon
Guys, the OP didn't buy this from AudiogoN.  He bought it off of Craigslist, according to his post.