
Responses from mmeysarosh

Amps for KEF Blade 2
I did see some of the specs on their website and they do specify increasing power output at 3 ohm load, which indicates amplifier design with current capability in mind.While the the power output isn't able to drive the speaker to its max SPL, my ... 
Amps for KEF Blade 2
Stereophile has a full set of measurements on the Blade 2 and it primarily shows the speaker requiring full 4 ohm stability with an ability to be fully stable to a 3.2 ohm load. This will simply require an amplifier with adequate current capabilit... 
Paradigm Personas anyone heard them
Be does have a specific advantage in having the highest specific modulus of all the most commonly used materials. It also has a lower specific density and a high propagation speed. It also has terrible elongation performance, but that isn't likely... 
Where do I set volume control on NAD M51 DAC?
I don't think those figures are correct as the NAD has a different stepping than one might assume. I know the actual top output is 2.375V SE and double that for balanced. -10db is just ten steps from 0db and the DAC can go to -55db before actually... 
Where do I set volume control on NAD M51 DAC?
While true that digital volume controls can truncate the dynamics in music when applied to significant degrees, the NAD M51 has a 35-bit over the more typical 32-bit digital volume control implementations, giving it a bit more room before it begin... 
Where do I set volume control on NAD M51 DAC?
While there doesn't seem to be a clear exact figure, there seems to be a general consensus that -0 db is a bit to high. Noted by many through listening as well is measurements taken by Stereophile, where the DAC performed better at -10 db then it ... 
KEF 205.2 or B&W 802D2?
The first difference you would notice would be the increased bass depth and dynamics. The 205/2 were a little on the lighter and tighter side and while they have good dynamics, they didn't plumb the depths as well. You might have even put them bit... 
Pioneer s1 ex dilemma
If your going try to get the best out of them, you will require an upgrade in amplification. Efficiency is good, but with low impedance from the upper base to mid range combined with some notable phase values won't allow them to shine unless you p... 
Sopra No.2 Overpriced?
I believe the Sopra line is made in France, although its likely that some components are sourced from other countries.As for the value aspect, Focal stated this speaker would provide the best value in high end audio. While it may very well be one ... 
Alternative to JRiver for PS Audio PWD II with bridge and Mac Mini
Hi Mark,I have been using Roon for sometime and have enough experience with jRiver to understand its issues, in particular with its busy interface.Roon does not support DLNA, which would be the protocol required to send audio files over ethernet t... 
Enjoying My New Focal Sopra No2's
The Sopra 2 has been reviewed and measured to have a mild mid bass lift, though it isn't enough to create a boom to the sound. This speaker is positioned in manner that its likely exciting a room node. So more work by that dealer would be needed t... 
B&W 'New' 800 Series
CT,While I do believe B&W make a majority of the speaker in house, I have no doubt that certain key parts are still sourced off shore. But I did find a nifty videos on their build. Caution, the music track on it is awful on the first.https://w... 
B&W 'New' 800 Series
I had seen measurements done by Stereo in Germany on the 802D3 in terms of frequency response and they had the -3db point at 20hz on their own test. It was also a decently flat response from the bass all the way through to the treble on axis. At 3... 
B&W 'New' 800 Series
Gator,Are we attempting to have every scale on earth produce the 160lbs result or simply your bathroom scale? I'm quite sure I can give you one solution on increasing the number of Saturdays you experience up to seven (sorry, this program is eithe... 
Revel F208 vs. Paradigm 75F: Auditioning
The Revel F208 are not very demanding, but are best served by amps that can deliver into 4 ohm load as its in the 4-7 ohm range through the audio band.That particular Paradigm doesn't have a test I was able to find, but its larger brother does and...