
Responses from mmeysarosh

ELAC - Adante... what’s the verdict?
The R300 does measure decently well, but the article linked below is very extensive test of the R300 coax driver. the testing, it was noted the speaker demonstrating a flare at 5-6kh... 
PS Audio PWD II vs. NAD M51
The M51 would have an advantage in two areas. The first being is digital volume implementation being more advanced in the M51 offering 35bit as compared to 32bit in the PS Audio. This allows the NAD to attenuate the signal a bit more before trunca... 
ELAC - Adante... what’s the verdict?
The design lends a lot of interest as the approach is unique. Using a closed couple cavity with a band pass design to create an acoustic crossover of 12db per octave, which in turn lent to a simpler crossover design between the woofer and mid driv... 
Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range
There have been some long standing expectations for Revel to eventually rework the Ultima2 series, and they had displayed he very first change to them since their introduction. Two new finishes, one called Aston Martin Silver and the other rich ch... 
Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range
The Kef Ref 3 is one of the more balanced and neutral speakers in your audition and provides that soundstage performance over a nice wide seated spot with well drawn out performances. It's been something a standout for Kef over the past couple of ... 
Usability Issues with Tidal
Yes, Meraki was purchased by Cisco and its part of its SDN portfolio and is not a core Cisco product. It doesn't even have any of Cisco specific developed protocols that make them unique and has somewhat independent development. I wouldn't discoun... 
Usability Issues with Tidal
If the router in is an actual Cisco router running some iteration of IOS, its not likely and ideal router for home use. The cost of those devices are far beyond throughput and the ability to support a vast range of protocol and service and an endl... 
New system has fatiguing, harsh high frequency sounds. How to fix?
Using toe in on most speakers will have very notable changes on upper treble response for wide range of speaker designs, primarily because of greater degree of output fall off at the side is greater in the upper treble range over others. That said... 
Magico A3
Some pretty interesting details from the A3 design and build came out recently and most of the cost reduction come from the cabinet construction being outsourced to a larger shop instead of their own in house tools and using flat walled cabinets o... 
Are my " diamond " tweeters really diamond
Is an interesting comparison as to which method of damping produces the best result in dealing with certain distortions, high damping or internal damping. High damping meaning the ability to resist distortions due to increased rigidity or internal... 
Are my " diamond " tweeters really diamond
A breakup node that is outside the audible band will impact the audible band by IM distortion. Using red book, most metal domes will have a breakup above the FR range. Analog and true hires recordings can have energy that may cause the driver dist... 
B&W 702s or Revel F208s
In general, the speakers can range from 6ft-10ft, center to center. Going wide may create an overly diffuse sound that don't provide a good center fill. Narrower would hinder the sound stage overall and the ability to place across. There isn't a m... 
B&W 702s or Revel F208s
The mirror method will get the primary reflection, which is the more important of reflections to contend with.  The area of the wall adjacent to the speaker will have reflections that will likely hit other points of the room well before it hits th... 
B&W 702s or Revel F208s
Just to clarify, I'm assuming you mean the edge of the speaker being about ten inches from the side wall, which is generally too close to a side wall to prevent first reflections from the wall from image smearing.What happens in this case is that ... 
B&W 702s or Revel F208s
You won't need an additional sub with the F208's with the output going nicely down to the 20's in rather well. It's front ported, so it makes some aspects about rear boundary wall distance a bit less of a fuss. You also have a boundary compensatio...