
Responses from mmakshak

Review: DCM TimeWindow 1 Speaker
Islandbird, I appreciate your response. I was hoping to move the discussion into the present realm. I know there is some benefit into elevating the DCM's, as those unstable stands that we had proved. I agree that imaging in the sweet spot is not t... 
I'm thinking that youngsters are getting burned .
Herman, I'm glad I'm not you(as far as attacks). I want to mention that price does not equate automatically to quality. I know that you were probably attacked unfairly in this area. I just want you to remember when you were broke-when you had to m... 
Are the Beatles the reason why modern music exists
I might not credit the previous thoughts mentioned on this forum, so please forgive me. A couple of thoughts, though. One, would music have evolved to the point it is now from Elvis or Louis Armstrong? I don't think so. That is not intended to den... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
I'm kind of limited on my speakers. I have to get decent off-axis response for my roommate. I have the original DCM Time-Windows. Finances are tight right now, but any suggestions are welcome. D-edwards, I don't understand why you would get rid of... 
Review: DCM TimeWindow 1 Speaker
Maybe I should e-mail DCM about this, but just moving my original DCM's less than an inch, brought about a hugh difference in the sound. I was thinking that since this has gotten the most response on Audiogon, that someone can give some pertinent ... 
Are the Beatles the reason why modern music exists
I love the comments. That doesn't mean that I agree with them. Think about it. Would the music be the same today, if not for the Beatles(not that it is any good, or it might be?)? 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
D_Edwards, thank you very much for your input. I believe that people(including myself) need to re-read what you just said. Guidocorona, you have very good points. I have to mention that I believe that you need to have analog(pre-1982) to enter thi... 
I'm thinking that youngsters are getting burned .
I spent $2500 on my(admittedly good) APL Hi-Fi's Denon 3910 cd player(a class-C Stereophile recommendation before modification). I spent over $3700 on my turntable setup. I just remember that I learned almost all I know about audio when I was brok... 
Review: DCM TimeWindow 1 Speaker
Islandbird, I really appreciate your comments on DCM's distance from the back wall. I apologize for my previous comments-they were meant to extract information, such as yours. This thread has gotten those most comments on Audiogon that I've ever s... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
You know Guidocorona that I won't let it rest. I have to admit using Alex of APL Hi-Fi's modified Denon 3910 and the Jerry Garcia's band's "After Midnight" to move my speakers a little, that it sounds great! To those audiphiles that use only one s... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
First off, I've never gotten-off on music more than hearing Alex's set-up at his house. I am,also, very grateful that I have an instrument to hear recordings made after 1981(I have, but rarely listen to, lp's made after that.). Alex also has given... 
Review: DCM TimeWindow 1 Speaker
This is all great bs. I am interested(since I have the original DCM's) in how to get the best from them. My current situation is about 2 feet from the back walls. My understanding is that 3 feet are proper. Let's get some life into this situation.... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Let's quit beating around the bush. Analog is far superior to digital. 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
I forgot to mention the criteria used to evaluate music. It is how much you get off on it(I have other ideas, such as what plays through your head. but these are experimental.). 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
I have been drinking(for those ad hominum people-actually that's the only term that I remember from my Logic class- you can discount what I say immediately.). First, I want to mention the Las Vegas show-where analog was featured(according to both ...