
Responses from mlsstl

From a safety point of view (damage to the amp or other equipment) the difference between 50 Hz and 60 Hz is not an issue in this situation. Whether or not they will provide the same level of audio quality is another issue. Assuming a properly des... 
Review: Spendor S5e Speaker
> low to moderate volume?I generally listen in the 80 to 85 dB range (averaged setting, C scale) but will sometimes listen at a lower volume. Many speakers need a bit of volume to sound their best but I've been very impressed with them at reduc... 
Review: Spendor S5e Speaker
Comparing the Maggies to Spendors is really an apples-oranges thing. Kind of like comparing a sports car to a luxury car; they are just two different animals. The one word I'd use for Maggies is "space." They have lots of it, with a very open soun... 
What are the specs of a full range speaker?
I don't believe there is a formal definition of "full range speaker." As such, it pretty much means whatever the person using it wants it to mean. At the least demanding end of the spectrum it could simply refer to any speaker system that is desig... 
Tone -- What's It All About?
I don't think "tone" is a particularly good word for describing an audio system; it is way too fuzzy in meaning as my abridged dictionary lists 10 separate definitions. The closest one simply suggests a good sound quality. However, people misuse o... 
If you are convinced the room is acoustically symetrical and your physical arrangement is good, and you've switched all cables and equipment including speakers back & forth with the same off-center effect, I think you're back to the room. Ther... 
Need advice on Unico 12AU7 tube rolling
As noted by another poster, "NOS" stands for "New Old Stock." These are tubes manufactured years ago by well regarded companies, many who are no longer in the tube business. Some people regard these old tubes as superior. In fact, there is a dirty... 
Need advice on Unico 12AU7 tube rolling
Don't have one brand for you to try, but these tubes are not expensive in the world of high end audio. Check a place like Triode Electronics in Chicago (great source for tubes & related parts.) For about $200 you could buy a pair of every 12AU... 
Take a hard look at the placement of furniture, rugs, artwork (particularly with glass in the frame), the balance of audio absorbent coverings such as cloth uphostery vs leather or plastic, and so on. You might also try slightly different toe-in a... 
Best monitor under 5k?
I recently moved and had to sell my Magnepans as they were too large for the new room and also had to be further away from the wall than the room allowed.Besides liking the sound of the speaker, your two primary smaller room issues are typically, ... 
Dynaudio 72SE vs. S3.4
Couldn't tell you the driver difference off the top of my head, but the Contours are a far superior speaker in my opinion. I thought the Audience speakers were completely pedestrian in terms of depth, stage, imaging and detail. The only pity is th... 
any clues? on mystery TOOBS...
I did find a 6H1 tube. See 
Magnepans in a small room
I just recently sold a pair of 1.6QR's because we moved and the new listening room was only 13 X 16. (The old room was 15 X 25.) Actually the speakers sounded OK in the smaller room but the big problem was placement. Magnepans must be placed away ... 
Magnepan, B&W 803, or NHT VT3 ? ?
Boy, talk about disparate choices! Personally, I'm quite fond of Magnepans. They have a transparency about them that no boxed speaker duplicates. I only sold mine after we moved and the new house simply wasn't set up for them. As for Klipsch, I've...