
Responses from mlsstl

Diana Krall - New Vinyl - Good sound - Poor Vinyl
There are a lot of variables that can affect the quality of an LP record. Vinyl purity and formulation, how the stampers are produced, how many LPs are produced from a stamper before it is replaced, the air quality and cleanliness in the productio... 
Satellite vs. Cable
I can't comment on the HDTV issue but I've had DirecTV for several years and am very happy with them. Count me a very satisfied customer. You can lose signal in certain weather conditions. Generally this is a thunderstorm situation directly south ... 
Best sounding phono preamp under $600
You might take a look at the Channel Island phono preamp. Well within your budget at $350 new and the company has a good reputation for great sounding stuff. 
New CDP for $500?
The Nad C542 is also $500 (retail list) and has an excellent reputation as a musical player. I had one and was very pleased with it. (I've gone to a PC based hard drive/Squeezebox system now.) 
Bel Canto Evo II or S300
I've not listened to the EvoII but I've had an S300 for 7 or 8 months now. It is an outstanding amp. If you check the member review area, there is a review I posted about a month ago. 
"Pro" Amp to Drive Thiels
"Pro" is one of those words that, in the hands of a zealous advertising man, can be rendered nearly meaningless.In a generic sense, the word simply means that a product has been designed to work for a living. That generally means rugged physical c... 
Current vs. Watts??? Need clarification.
Tube amps do not deliver a higher voltage to the speakers. The higher voltage from the tubes is run through an output transformer to send the correct (lower) voltage to the speakers.Many people ascribe the tendency of tube amps to sound louder tha... 
Current vs. Watts??? Need clarification.
I don't have much experience with any recent vintage Rotel equipment, but there are a couple of potential issues here. 1. "1/3 on the volume knob" is not a reliable indicator of anything. If the source is pumping a fairly high line level voltage i... 
Tube pre-amps: turn off when not in use?
Tubes do wear out when left on. The output tubes on an amp may last something on the order of 1,500 to 2,000 hours or so. The smaller tubes used in preamps will last much longer. 5,000 to 10,000 hours and more is probably not unreasonable. (There ... 
Buzz from front speakers...
Is the buzz present when no music is playing? I'm assuming you've put your ear close to the speaker drivers to make sure that is where the noise is coming from. It'd probably help to identify if it is a high frequency buzz from the tweeter or a lo... 
Hearing above 15kHz
I feel your pain. I too don't really hear much past 15K. That specific tweeter may not be as useful to you as it would be for a younger person, but all of the speakers you mention have their own "sound" that includes the rest of the spectrum. When... 
Buffered Pre-out? What is it?
> Sometimes it requires more circuitry which adds another > stage, some feel the shortest route is the best.There are a number of equipment designers who believe that a simpler circuit design is better on the basis that the fewer components ... 
Integrated decisions for under $1500
If you've not tried the digital amps, you might take a look. Bel Canto has the S300i which you can find used on Audiogon for right at the $1,500 mark. (I have the S300 power amp and am extremely pleased with it.) NuForce also has an integrated amp... 
Buffered Pre-out? What is it?
You don't say what make and model of preamp is involved. Buffering in an analog circuit is usually done to make a circuit more tolerant of difficult load situations. (This is different than digital buffering, where data is accumulated in a memory ... 
LP Recording Distortions?
Besides checking and experimenting with the cartridge/tonearm's physical configuration settings, also check the electrical load requirements. Phono cartridges are sensitive to the input capacitance of the phono preamp so you may want to try some d...