

Responses from mjcmt

Yamaha Audio products from the past? vs. more current.
Absolutely Yamaha is making great 2 channel gear today. An example is the highly spoken of A-S2100 integrated amp. Highly praised with many personal reviews of it on various different forums too. 
Novice here looking for insight on equipment ive aquired
Are you sure the CAL receiver isn’t a preamp/tuner that needs the power amp. Would make more sense. Sounds like a nice package I’d try to sell on CL. determine a fair price, but be ready to say no to low ball offers.But if it were me I'd hook it u... 
phono preamp for the ortofon 2m bronze
Audiophile1, I wholeheartedly agree w your assessment of the Mani. I've not heard it w SS amplification but excellent match w tube amps. Btw, very nice system. 
Basic EL34 and 6sn7 tube recommendation.
Thank you. I think I will call Upscale Tuberist. I suspect Upscale recommended the EH tubes to replace the stock factory Chinese tubes the amp came with. 
Basic EL34 and 6sn7 tube recommendation.
Is the kt77 a direct drop in replacement for el34 on an amp w/ auto bias circuitry? May have to call Upscale when I'm ready.Lowrider, I've been down the road of tube rolling with past systems, but don't care much about it anymore at 67 as my ears ... 
Small room amp and speakers recommendation
"I was kinda hoping a few speakers and amps would keep getting recommended so a could focus my search"Harbeth P3 and PrimaLuna have been recommended more than once. 
Small room amp and speakers recommendation
Weiky, you've received a lot of feedback. What are your thoughts so far? 
Klipsch Heresy IV
I can't quite adjust the fact the Heresy's are no longer seal boxes. While the bass may be more plentiful, is it as tight and does it add boominess to the bass? I wonder if there is any loss to overall quickness and clarity? 
Small room amp and speakers recommendation
You'll get varying recommendations and I throw my 2¢ too. I likewise have a small dedicated room so my recommendation may count some. Harbeth P3esr and ProAc Tablette 10 monitors are at the top of my list. Glowing reviews everywhere from the audio... 
Dynaudio Confidence 20 vrersus Kef reference 1
https://www.soundstageaustralia.com/index.php/reviews/266-dynaudio-confidence-20-loudspeakersLooks like a very nice speakers but it needs their dedicated stands because of the down-firing bass port.The model below Contour 20 looks very nice also w... 
phono preamp for the ortofon 2m bronze
For 1.5 yrs. I've been using the Schiit Mani phono preamp w/ an Ortofon 2m Blue on a Thorens TD203 turntable w/ a Kimber Kable PBJ interconnect. The combination is clear, detailed and fast with bold bass and easily surpasses my Marantz cc4001 cdp ... 
Are sound bars worth it?
Use the optical output of your tv to a DAC (inexpensive or audiophile quality) from DACs analogue out to your preamp. In the Sony's TVs menu switch to external speakers.  
Schiit Mani or Cambridge duo or Mofi ultraphono for a phono stage.
The only item I have and use regularly is the Mani. Very very good, better than cds playing thru the Schiit Modi3 Dac. I'm a big jazz fan and this preamp (with Thorens TD203 and Ortofon 2m Blue cart) is simply amazing for me. Great PRaT, bold and ... 
Adding 5-channel amps to AV Receivers
That’s such a great video, thanks for sharing! For the most part it reinforces my thesis here, that on most sub-$1500 receivers, the amps and power supplies get seriously compromised. On the other hand, its absolutely crazy to me that it takes a $... 
Adding 5-channel amps to AV Receivers
This is interesting from Audioholics. You get what you pay for. Interesting watch.Seems like high end Denon's are the only ones the shut off internal amps when you add an external amp.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sq2dyzJYvA