

Responses from mitchb

Digital XLR vs Digital RCA
I disagree from experience. The quality of the digital cable, amount and quality of silver content, has dramatic affect in sound quality.  
I’m looking to upgrade my Magnum Dynalab MD106T???
Probably Amperex. Are they good? They sound better than what I used to get from Magnum Dynalab. Two of them were $100 shipped. I’m enjoying my tuner again. I’ve found that these tubes got better with some play time. Maybe it’s my imagination but m... 
I’m looking to upgrade my Magnum Dynalab MD106T???
I used to play around with vintage tuners and they were nice. I got involved with Magnum Dynalab with my first Etude tuner and finally in 2009 I got my 106t and had upgraded caps installed and of course a variety of tubes. Living where I do the re... 
I’m looking to upgrade my Magnum Dynalab MD106T???
I think that is what I will do. I will just enjoy my tuner which was sounding good enough last night to listen to all night long. The newer Amperage tubes are good sounding and my ST-2 antenna is carefully placed in a good place. It is interesting... 
Digital XLR vs Digital RCA
It doesn't matter to my current Directsream dac XLR or RCA but it does matter to the source feeding the dac apparently with XLR being most popular. The Directsream likes the I2S input the most with my Perfectwave transport sounding best using the ... 
I’m looking to upgrade my Magnum Dynalab MD106T???
I find my self at the mercy of reception. At least my ST-2 outside sounds better than a ribbon antenna inside. My digital both transport streamer and dac sounds better than FM but there is something special about music off air with a tuner. 
I’m looking to upgrade my Magnum Dynalab MD106T???
I must admit my MD106T is sounding nice today/last night  as I have been listening for hours and I think my relatively new Amperage tubes may be sounding better with some playtime or maybe the reception is good now. An upgraded antenna would be ni... 
I’m looking to upgrade my Magnum Dynalab MD106T???
The Accuphase T-1200 is $7500. Is it that much nicer than my $4000 MD106T?   
I’m looking to upgrade my Magnum Dynalab MD106T???
I'm using an MD ST-2 antenna which is installed outside. I've experimented with placement and find it works better on my back yard fence than on my house roof. The tuner sounds good but I just wonder what could be a nice improvement. I've  noticed... 
High End Ethernet Cables ....Real Deal or Snake Oil
I clearly hear a difference between better Ethernet cables. It’s not even subtle. The improvement of my Wireworld Ethernet cables over the decent DH Labs Reunion Ethernet cable is obvious.  
HDMI i2s Cable
I am using a Wireworld Starlight Platinum 7 HDMI between my Perfectwave transport and Directstream dac with success. Pricey cable but nice.  
Left channel of Pass X250.5 runs warmer than right
The left side is a few degrees warmer. How many exactly I don’t know but it’s noticeable if I hold onto the heat sinks for a minute. Every amp I’ve ever owned had this type of difference in heat per left and right sides. 
Left channel of Pass X250.5 runs warmer than right
I should mention that it’s not a night and day difference. The left channel is just warmer enough that it is noticeable. Both sides run warm pretty close. 
Digital XLR vs Digital RCA
The better cable with RCA connectors sounds much nicer. 
Digital XLR vs Digital RCA
Is it okay to run both cables at the same time to AB them or should they be run one cable at a time?