

Responses from mitchb

Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
Your responses appear to open a whole new can of worms but I am limited for now with the caps that the speaker componay I am using uses. However I can always play and experiment in the future should the mood move me. Are the caps I'm getting decen... 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
I should note that the design of the Hales crossovers will remain the same and the values will be as Hales intended. The only difference is that the parts will be better and will be matched to each other between the two speakers. The Hales design ... 
Speaker sound differences?
There is a problem with my crossovers in my Hales as when I switched the right speaker and left speaker to the other sides the problem switched with the speaker. One speaker is brighter sounding than the other but I am going to have my crossovers ... 
Speaker sound differences?
I've tried all the above diagnostic tests except physically switching the speakers themselves. Too much involved to do that.The speakers are pretty close sounding but the difference is there. Sometimes I mnotice it more while listening to certain ... 
Different sound between two channels
In living with my system I notice the problem remains and is not a loose conection or the CDP. It is subtle but it is there. Could it be a room issue even though the room appears symmetrical? I do have windows on the right side of the room but the... 
Nordost Blue Heven vs Nordost Red Dawn?
Perhaps because I don't know better. Please give your opinion of a non thin , non bright and uncolored cable. 
Hydra 8/Hydra 6 vs PS Ultimate outlet?
Mr bill,My Hydra 6 is the new model. It's quite good. 
Hydra 8/Hydra 6 vs PS Ultimate outlet?
I just replaced my P500 with the new Hydra 6 and am amazed at the sonic improvement. I was not convinced while waiting for the Hydra as I liked the theory of what the power plants do but in the listening there is no comparison. The Hydra is way be... 
Cable settle in time?
I now believe that as long as the ac cables have some current going through them that they do not need to settle. Once the initial burn in is done and the cables are settled, they would only require settle in time if unplugged from the wall or con... 
Has anyone opinions on the Classe CAP 151
I enjoyed my CAP151 when I owned it. It out performed the CA100 and CP35 I thought I was upgrading to. Classe makes a decent integraded amp for the money. I believe it is better than their entry level separates. 
Tuner connection and sound variance. HELP
Just thought I'd mention that I recieved my MD100 and the problem no longer appears to be happening however I am using different shorter interconnects. 
Best CDP isolation device you use?
Good or bad I just installed a Sklan isolation platform under the titanium cones under my CDP and I'm blown away. The shelf was the best isolation device I have used or added so far. I have brass cones on most components with good results but this... 
Different sound between two channels
Thank you all for your help. It turns out that after much experimentation this evening trying all combinations of cables being switched back and forth it turns out that two things could have been the culprit. One, I suspect a loose connection or s... 
Different sound between two channels
Goinbroke,I eliminated the source and preamp by manipulating the interconnects from them and have concluded that it is the amp. Pass claims that the residual noise I am getting from the right channel is normal and I think that it is this noise wit... 
Different sound between two channels
Goinbroke,I like your user name. Been there, done that. I'll be paying for my stereo for a long time.Yes, my speaker cables are the same length. Aren't everyones? My speakers are exactly the same distance from the side and front wall, my system ap...