

Discussions mitchb has started

Crossover mods and speaker efficiancy?739120
Alpha Core vs Solo inductors?35345
Magnum Dynalab Advice please32046
Different sound from inputs 1 and 2 on preamp34538
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?2344353
Speaker sound differences?36997
Nordost Blue Heven vs Nordost Red Dawn?315259
Best interconnect for Magnum Dynalab MD10050426
Cable settle in time?22784
isolation of seperate preamp power supplies?26913
Different sound between two channels423913
Minor phase plate incident with midrange of Hales21794
Is yamaha CT1010 tuner good?106376
Is it O.K. to mass load a X250 Pass Amp?26677
Tuner connection and sound variance. HELP19844