

Responses from millercarbon

Horn listeners - Do you have trouble listening to others?
I bought my first speakers at Radio Shack in 1972 by listening to everything they had. The only real option for a kid with a paper route back then. Several years later with a car and McDonald's money the best I could find was JBL L26's. Those last... 
Herron VTPH-2A / Origin Live Conqueror / Koetsu Black Goldline
Yes, and it was Chris Brady and his Teres project that got me going and really learning about turntables. Turntables are strange things. On the one hand everything is out in the open. Very little hidden in a box, you can pretty much see how they’r... 
Herron VTPH-2A / Origin Live Conqueror / Koetsu Black Goldline
Now just one week in, and today put one Synergistic Research Blue Quantum Fuse and 3 ECTs inside. So now on top of the stage I got the fuse breaking in. These fuses do sound better one way than the other, and with circuit traces on the other side ... 
Herron VTPH-2A / Origin Live Conqueror / Koetsu Black Goldline
The word above is Teres, not Tires. I hate spell check.  
Herron VTPH-2A / Origin Live Conqueror / Koetsu Black Goldline
Frank, the table I use is of my own design, described in my post above dated the 18th. Here's an early photo http://www.teresaudio.com/fame/cmiller.jpgAt this time it was powered by an early Teres motor pod using the silk thread in the photo. Buil... 
Herron VTPH-2A / Origin Live Conqueror / Koetsu Black Goldline
dodge alum, I mentioned how many times I've been a little shocked at how real it sounds. A wood block or rim shot is so incisively sharp and true to life. A bass line comes in on a Jennifer Warnes track I know by heart, only now its not just full-... 
Herron VTPH-2A / Origin Live Conqueror / Koetsu Black Goldline
Yeah and mine comes in to listen with me a lot more often now too.I just had a nice conversation with Keith Herron. Just a few of the many interesting bits-The tubes that make it into the VTPH 2A are warmed up for 2 hours before testing. 1 dB too ... 
Buying my 1st new LP in 42 years..Suggestions?
You got 300 LPs including a stack of Sheffields and direct-to-discs and the first thing you want to do is buy another record??? First thing I'd be doing is picking through that stack! Second thing, buying a good ultrasonic record cleaner. Third, z... 
The awakening...
When my father in laws Fischer finally died I said let me take care of that. Got him some nice bookshelf speakers, 5-disc changer, integrated amp, speaker cables, interconnects, power cords and Cones for everything, all properly budgeted, grand to... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
 So, yes a cheap LP set up can conquer a cheap CD player with low end ancillary equipment. lol! The CDP my Technics first trounced was a $1200 California Audio Labs that I had selected only after home auditioning a dozen contenders. I really li... 
Power Purpose
Want to blow your mind? Some evening after listening a while go and flip off as many breakers as you can, ideally leaving only the stereo circuit on.You can thank me later. 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
I once believed in the power of measurement and placebo. That was back when I struggled to hear any difference between DACs and CDPs. Well after years reading nothing but Stereo Review, with Julian Hirsch and his wire is wire measurements uber all... 
Herron VTPH-2A / Origin Live Conqueror / Koetsu Black Goldline
Its my Miller Carbon table. Its built around the Teres bearing and platter, with the superb Verus rim drive motor. The base is made from a BDR Source Shelf, with another large round threaded "nut" made from Source Shelf holds the bearing. The bear... 
Synergistic Research ECT
Same to you. 
Synergistic Research ECT
A few points the idea of these working on the electromagnetic spectrum will need to contend with. In no particular order:The radio frequency at a wavelength on the order of 10mm is around 30GHz. While harmonics at a few multiples of 20kHz exist, a...