

Responses from millercarbon

Do MC's Need Time To Wake Up?
Yeah my Koetsu with enough hours to be considered fully broken in still sounds a lot better the second side than the first. Even when played the night before. Also continues to improve beyond that. Although I would say the first initial improvemen... 
Does removing anti-skating really improve sound?
tubelvr1,What you have discovered is one of the more important facts about turntables- each and every one is its own unique animal. Even two of the exact same model can sound different simply due to where they are sited- rack, table or wall stand ... 
Soundstaging and Imaging: The Delusion about The Illusion
celander says: Those expressing confusion about my original post should try placing my post into the context of the link I provided. Yes, it requires one to click a link and read an article. If one has the energy to type a response and click the ... 
Amp "timing" ?
Correct. Engine's have timing. Distributor's do not.  
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
Tim,Well I started out thinking save some money but between opting for the second amp, upgraded Morel drivers, and finished in Rosewood mine will probably be about the same all-in as a Swarm with the extra amp. Lotta work. Although, when I told Du... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
SealRegatta de blancThe Grand Illusion 
Amp "timing" ?
I tried rolling tubes one night on impulse. Bad pitch. One rolled right into the amp, threw the timing off so much it slewed right into the Schiit.  
Speaker Bass Port Bungs
Socks may not be "the" answer but socks are definitely "a" answer. In other words, anything that restricts air flow through the port will change the ports tuning. There is no one answer but a whole range of them from no restriction to fully blocke... 
Will technology make records obsolete one day?
Yeah and not only that, out of the whole music industry- components, music content, concerts, everything- what has been the fastest growth segment, year to year, and over the last decade? Records! Turntables! Analog! Two things never gonna go obso... 
So ordered some subs and am going to mess around with some different drivers and OBs
You want 4. Placed asymmetrically around the room. The Swarm will be cheaper and better with a lot more flexibility but you already have some coming to play with so might as well make it productive play time. 
Will technology make records obsolete one day?
ROTFLMAO!Obsolete is digitals middle name! Not just by performance either- when digital goes obsolete it goes the Full Monty, as in you can't even find anything to play it on even if you wanted to!Records meanwhile are so universally obsolete proo... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
Yeah that’s fine Tim I got it covered. Its called room reinforcement. Every room has it to some extent. 3 dB per octave is rule of thumb. But it varies. The free Parts Express cabs are all sealed. Frequency response of a sealed enclosure drops off... 
Amp "timing" ?
When I go to Benaroya the orchestra sounds nothing like the million dollar (Seriously. Okay. Technically more like a million two.) stereo at Definitive. Mine does.But we are getting a little OT. Regarding amp timing, which do you guys think works ... 
Need a new CD player
My Rotel RCD 971 is done for. CD's come second to LPs. I do want a good one. I turn to the forum for your help in my search. Lets say $3000.00 max. Set of Synergistic Research PHTs $199 https://highend-electronics.com/products/synergistic-resea... 
Amp "timing" ?
Btw you can easily set this using track 3 of Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon.