

Responses from millercarbon

A DIY Swarm-based Distributed Bass Array for SOTA Bass
Yeah, its freaking amazing what happens when you get four in a room. Way better than I was expecting. And I was expecting a lot. 
A DIY Swarm-based Distributed Bass Array for SOTA Bass
mitch2 When running a swarm system, are all four subs handling a summed (left and right channel) signal?I run two subs in the front so each side gets its own signal but I have considered adding a third and I remember reading that running a third s... 
Im looking for an expert review of my system
Then don't bother with HFT, etc. Tiny little dots, whattre those? Instead maybe great big tube traps, sculpted to look like Roman columns, with maybe a life-size David on each side holding a shield, only the shield is a cleverly disguised acoustic... 
Ugrade-itis - is there a cure?
Yeah its never the same once you see how the sausage is made. 
Should an amp have a "personality"?
Wanted to play some music last night but my amp was reticent.Pushed, it started pulling. Push pull. Push pull.Was about to unplug when a thunderous "NO!" came from the speakers.With authority. Presence. Never heard it so forward before. My ears we... 
Ugrade-itis - is there a cure?
williewonka If, by some "dark magic" you woke up one day and your system sounded the best you’ve ever heard it - AND - better than the best system you had ever listened to in a high priced audio store, What do you mean, if?  
A DIY Swarm-based Distributed Bass Array for SOTA Bass
jbrrp1Duke has recommended an "all around the room" placement that just spooks my intuitive sense. Tim followed a very well thought out methodical approach he's posted before but would be great to be included here if he doesn't mind writing it up ... 
A DIY Swarm-based Distributed Bass Array for SOTA Bass
For sure its coming from the main pair. Has to be. People will probably find this hard to believe, but there have been several times when I wasn't sure if mine were making any sound at all. Couple times I would walk right up to one, sometimes not ... 
Should an amp have a "personality"?
Well my amp is for listening. When asked though it says its for music. Are you looking for one with an even stronger personality? Forward, upfront and ultimately more interesting to listen to? One amp to trump them all? 
All the best Mick!
Sympathy for the rock star?Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.He’ll recover. Time is on his side. And he’s a street fighting man. 
A Ghost in the System? Music Thru Speakers with Preamp Disconnected
Granted it is not easy to tell the April Fool’s from the normal everyday variety. I have to work very hard at it. One even has a whole entire website, a veritable shrine, the Las Vegas of Fool’s. But I can’t complain. At least not today. The other... 
referencing vs plug & play
Oh, I can think of at least one who will give him a run for his money. 
Vindication at Last!
Apparently someone thought better of their post. Or it was removed by a mod? (And if so it wasn't me!) Or maybe the whole thing was just another April Fool's joke. Hard to tell. Ha ha. Joke's on you. 
Jazz for aficionados
Asimov reference? No. Can't be. 
A DIY Swarm-based Distributed Bass Array for SOTA Bass
douglas_schroeder Many are as derisive of the importance of LF as they are the importance of cables. lol! The fools! I've got Synergistic Research Active Shielding on just about all of mine. Most of my wire has been cryo'd. Including the wire fr...