

Responses from millercarbon

1973. My friend had this album, really different but really, really good. For some reason they cheaped out on the cover, just plain black with this triangle and a rainbow. Then when you open it up, same thing, only a squiggly line. Never could fig... 
Audioquest Dragon Powercord vs Hurricane
Here’s the problem with "system matching": complimentary flaws.Too analytical? Match it up with too warm.Too bright? Match it up with too dark.Too lean? Match it up with too full.On and on. Which granted you might be able to pull off. Until you ch... 
Does anybody change their speaker placement with different types of music and bands?
Well let’s see... it took me hours and hours of tweaking and measuring and trial and error to get the combination of speaker placement and listening position optimized. Then another hour or so tweaking toe in to get the perfect balance of sound st... 
Question for experienced distributed bass array users
Right. I have one Talon Roc, two sealed 10" and two ported 10". Main speakers are Talon Khorus. In the beginning with just the one Talon Roc I tried many different locations none of them working until I finally gave up and lived with the least bad... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
The need to match subs all stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of how bass works in a room and what you need to do to get good bass. Almost everyone is held back by the old school thinking where the sub needs to be as "fast" or at least soun... 
Its the recording stupid!!
I think the key is you asked if this ever happens when listening to your stereo. This should never happen when listening to your stereo. This should only happen when listening to some stranger's stereo. Even then not often. Like maybe the first ti... 
Question for experienced distributed bass array users
Wait- what thread is this? What was the question again? Oh yeah: Question for experienced distributed bass array users Really? Sure that's all you want? just asking for opinions from experienced users about alternative paths to it. Sounds pret... 
WAF Speaker suggestions
Bring your wife with you to Axpona or similar show. Since you’d like her to pick, just let her pick the speakers, but not without hearing and seeing some alternatives. This^^And bring her favorite music. Not yours. Hers. 
Proper Ground for Tonearm and Turntable
Right. Static. Sometimes just pulling a record out of the sleeve generates enough static the sleeve wants to stick and the record is attracting dust like a magnet. Get a ZeroStat. Meantime go to the store and buy Static Guard or whatever anti-stat... 
It was 50 years ago today...
Seven? So we were about the same age watching them on Ed Sullivan. I wonder, did your folks find them uncomprehendible as mine did? I mean they didn’t want to let us watch them, but they were on Ed Sullivan so pretty much had to (there’s like two ... 
Question for experienced distributed bass array users
I'd go with two.Mine started out with one Talon Khorus sub. Then I built 2 sealed and 2 ported cabs all using the same 10" Morel drivers and powered by 2 Dayton amps. Awesome results and I was initially going to sell the Talon. Until for kicks dec... 
Great sounding/recorded albums
Show off? The Mobile Fidelity 45 RPM of Dire Straits Brothers in Arms...if you can get a good copy.Really well recorded drums? Dave Brubeck Time OutA Meeting By The River is indeed impressive. If you can get into it. Which is a very important poin... 
What do you read regularly to learn about audio products or research?
I don't read any of that crap. Well, hardly. Anymore.Of course I had subs before the interwebs but those days are long gone. Now I still sometimes read reviews but what you really want to know is:  how to learn about today's audio world Which is... 
System synergies: Chaotic or predictable?
I should probably point out that the mathematical terminology information field theory is not (rpt not) what I am referring to when I use the term, information fields, which I equate to Morphic fields and Morphic resonance. Tell them Jim, tell... 
LP12- Power Supply- Need education
Millercarbon since I know you are a smart guy I have to believe that you have never had a chance to live with a properly designed suspended turntable. My first turntable was a Technics SL-1700. Still have it. Next was a Basis 2005, another sus...