

Responses from millercarbon

Do they really make a difference? Definitive answer is....
Congratulations. Now wait till you hear Total Contact. 
The equalizer you don't know you have
OMG! Speakers have crossovers! Hold on, just a quick call to Lowther.... 
Budget Audiophile system under 2k
I was thinking Outlaw receiver and Elac speakers   Thoughts?My thoughts are that's not the way to go about it. Oh yeah a receiver seems like the answer. But you just shot your friend in the foot. No such thing as a receiver that sounds good. Does... 
Love it when it snows
nutella:Global historical records from NOAA are the basis for the charts and models indicated in that article in the op.  https://youtu.be/mGe9JO58Uc8Fact or hack? There are legitimate concerns here and need to be either accepted or dismissed base... 
Perfect Path Solutions Total Contact Mega Review
slaw:Regarding the TC, and how it's applied. I noticed on the other review, you stated that the instructions say to just treat the inner third of the male connectors. I'm wondering why? Also, do not treat the female contacts. Again, I'm wondering ... 
Perfect Path Solutions Total Contact Mega Review
Yeah, its amazing. Better even than anything from Synergistic, and I've been a fan of Ted's since the 90's. Still am. But this is another thing altogether. 
Diminishing Returns
I’ve reached a point, after much tweaking in my system thanks to Audiogon, I’m moving away from the forum. I’ve gotten to a place where I’m so satisfied with my system that further improvements, while I’m sure they will work, I don’t care.  I used... 
Bi-Amp w/Sub Amp Setup
Yes. Mixed results. Saw it coming a mile away.Connect the pre-amp to the tube amp to the speakers. If there's a jumper involved then go direct to the uppers and jump to the woofer. Click on over to the for sale section, post all the bi-amp crossov... 
Tubes of course make a difference just like everything else. My experience (30 years) has taught me to replace tubes when they need replacing. Because for what they cost you can just about always get a lot more improvement from just about anything... 
Perfect Path Solutions Total Contact Mega Review
Okay so now this is even more surprising. One of the really nice surprises with this stuff is every once in a while Krissy just throws something in there for you. So I got these little gold caps for unused RCAs. No big, right? All kinds of em out ... 
Perfect Path Solutions Total Contact Mega Review
Just finished several hours working on the Audio Consulting pure silver isolation transformer. This little beauty is hardwired inside my Medusa power center. For years it was used on the one outlet that used to go to my Oppo player. But with that ... 
Love it when it snows
Thanks to Rachel Carson and her diatribe against DDT in her book "Silent Spring," written in 1962, subsequently causing DDT to be abandoned world-wide, millions in Third World countries have died from malaria.What a load of hooey.Well let's see...... 
Love it when it snows
Oh, they removed Frank saying someone doesn't even have an 8th grade education. But left up the other BS. Figures. Oh well. My response. Probably remove this one too. Oh well.Third grade. Horace Mann got a new library. I was in third grade. They w... 
Perfect Path Solutions Total Contact Mega Review
I did. But the Mods have their hands full playing PC policeman. Just please do like I said, ignore this one, post only to the other one, and let this one languish. 
Love it when it snows
OP (Since everyone seems to respond to whatever was just posted, without actually reading the OP):Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't...