

Responses from millercarbon

Cartridge (other than Rega) with Rega RP10
The Benz Ruby is a fine cartridge. Period. It was fine on my Graham arm, it was fine on Origin Live too. Arms do make a difference. Tables matter. Everything matters. But the idea you have to match the one with the other, where does this come from... 
Help me stay with Vinyl.
Discogs is pretty good. But it all depends on what you really want. If its good clean silent vinyl, good luck. The record you buy and open and it plays silent is a myth. That never was. No matter how much time and money you put into it, the best y... 
Just Curious - About using a AV Receiver as main unit
I see used AV's receivers see from manufacturers who make really good high end 2 channel equipment and these receivers sell for less then say a 2 channel component from the same manufacturerYes and for a really good reason: AVRs are crap. Pure cra... 
Synergistic Research PHT- all of 'em! And then some!
Its been a while so before addressing your comments I first went back and read my OP. Wow. I impress myself. The presentation with Green Dream is deeper, blacker, more 3D and utterly devoid of grain and glare. That's not less detail, its more, onl... 
Axe to grind know it alls
It's up to each one of us to recognise Trumpian postingsFascinating. I take it you mean by their succinct statements of universal truth? Fearlessly calling out fools on their foolishness? Exhibiting a near over the top glee in saying things people... 
Best Value Line Stage Tube Preamps?
The best value in line stage tube preamps is a tie between Raven and Prima Luna. Both come with their own dedicated power amp included at no extra charge. 
Which is the most important part of a stereo system?
Millercarbon probably offers the best.Probably???! 
Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
Right. There are in fact some very good technical reasons why this is so. The reasoning behind the center channel is its for dialog which is supposed to be coming from the screen which is assumed to be centered between the speakers. But, as anyone... 
Benz Wood SL on TP16 or RB300?
You're asking random people what difference you'll hear, and not just between tables but on racquetballs? RU kidding me?Mount the Benz and see. What is the problem? 
Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
Right. Some guy in Sweden bought your preposterous nonsense about a Firestone air spring made for trucks being the ideal 6 axis blah blah yada yada word salad and then paid for shipping exercise weights across the Atlantic. Good one. With every Nu... 
Shine A Light... On A Brand New LP
Yes new LPs are crap. I could give you the answer. But the more people know the more it costs, and I'm already paying too much. So DYODD. 
REL Subwoofer. Your input requested
If your goal is bass that is articulate, tight, fast, powerful, and deep, then the number of subs is far more important than which sub. No one sub can match four reasonably good ones. Nothing else with subs is anywhere near as valuable as if you c... 
Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
Don't be coy, GK. Show em your system. Here, allow mehttp://www.machinadynamica.com/machina24.htm 
Balance knob ..
I think this is because that speaker has a lot space behind and to the side whilst the right has less and more complicated space behind and a closer side wall. A reasonable enough sounding assessment of the situation. So my question is, how is bal... 
Through unfortunate circumstances........
Almost always an AVR is so crappy you would be better off just tossing it and using the Pioneers. But they are so old its possible they are not much better than the AVR. Only way to tell is to listen and compare. Keep in mind the quality of the in...