

Responses from millercarbon

How do you share the sweet spot?
I always have my guests sit in the sweet spot. For them its other-worldly. For me its a trip because I seldom listen from anywhere else. With couples the best way to share is the woman sits between the mans legs leaning back with her head on his c... 
Breaking in Focal Aria 936 Speakers
It always gets better. This is the way its supposed to be- sounds great right out of the box, then gets better and better. You should have a good several weeks of improvement ahead. Enjoy! 
I have a Creek Audio 5350se amplifier what do I need to hook up two SVS 4000-SB subs?
If it has pre-out use that. The first circuit inside the sub is a filter, so you do not need a sub out, the full range signal will be fine. If it doesn't then you need to use a LOC- Line Out Converter. They are cheap and work great https://www.par... 
Speaker vibration control idea.. What are your thought?
The minute you start playing the whole speaker/floor/room system starts vibrating. If you somehow magically decouple or float the speakers in mid air this will stop the vibrations getting into the floor mechanically, but not acoustically. Also the... 
10 Awg power cable to Bryston BIT-15 (Torus) power conditioner for less than 250$
Easy one first, the Synergistic Research Master Coupler is totally the way to go. I got my first one nearly 30 years ago, still use one today, and mine is a pretty darn fine dialed in system. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367The better SR ... 
Speaker Cable Compatibility with Amplifier and Speaker
I have heard that it is most important to match speaker cables with the Amplifier being used; more so than the speaker.That’s a new one to me. The whole idea of matching with cables is based on a false premise. The idea is that nothing is perfect.... 
RMAF 2020 is Cancelled
This is over 4 months away in a state (Colorado) that is not that badly affected (relative to, say, NY) so this indicates that second waves are fairly confidently expected. No, it indicates the political response to propaganda has won out over the... 
That budget would get you a set of Synergistic Research Element CTS speaker cables that will do exactly what you want - larger sound stage, more liquid and open- and with much greater dynamic punch. You could probably afford to have Michael Spallo... 
Distortion on the Power Line
Ok.... so i tried going through the whole house....turned all the breakers off and turned them on one at a time and watched the meter. No change.Did you try listening? Its easy to hear. The few times I've done this for people they have all been s... 
How often to demagnetize mc cartridges?
Same as everything else- as often as you want it to sound like that. 
If Audiophiles care about sound, then why so few threads on acoustics
People will drop thousands on a cable, $10K on an amp, or turntable, but I don't see anywhere near that spend on acoustics in most cases. There's a lot of reasons, and you already listed many of them. But like so many other things you can get th... 
Does altitude change the sound of speakers??
Funny you say that. I've actually seen a flight attendant going down in style on a stiff one. 
Does altitude change the sound of speakers??
Anyone can talk talk. In the interest of science I have done the work and can now state unequivocally the effect of altitude is positive. The higher I am, the better it sounds. 
Does altitude change the sound of speakers??
Actually, it was from the first Alien movie advertised as “in space, no one can hear you scream”. I still have the movie poster. Yes but my kid brother had the "In space no one can hear you fart" T-shirt.  
Does altitude change the sound of speakers??
Correct.Sound is pressure waves transmitted by molecules bumping and bouncing off each other. The greater the density the faster and more efficient the wave. Air at sea level being more dense the sound will be louder with more dynamic impact. Go h...