

Responses from millercarbon

need more power
The problem is you're watching wide dynamic range movies on a low dynamic range system that is also very low resolution. So you have to turn it up pretty loud to be able to make out dialog. But then the volume in the action scenes is way too high ... 
Solitary listener
It sort of made sense very early on. But its months now the hoax has been apparent. There literally is nothing to be afraid of. Fact of the matter is ordinary flu is a greater risk, unless you are sick in a nursing home with serious co-morbidities... 
Need help with audio forensics
The butler did it. 
Nostalgia, fond memories and judgement on now vs. then equipment ?
Nostalgia is sappy sentiment. In audio it mainly finds traction because a lot of that old gear was tubes and turntables, some of which really do still perform well even today. Also because the devaluation of the dollar has been so extreme yet we s... 
High Performance Audio - The End?
Well, lets see. Mahgister acknowledged your point of different people having different preferences. He goes on to say this can be achieved with tweaks (embeddings) that are mechanical, electrical, and acoustic. His thesis is that these are key and... 
the sound of massed violins in classical orchestral recordings
Really. Learn something new every day. Enormous eye-roll emoji 🙄 
Charging A Fee To Demo An Amplifier In A Brick & Mortar Store
WOW ! This is amazing. To make things clear this is a $60,000.00 pair of Amplifiers. This has been put into storage. We have to setup a complete vignette and connect everything. This is the reason we asked the customer who was interested to call u... 
Is there measurement that correlates with cohesive/pinpoint imaging?
Is there a measurement that correlates with sound stage depth? Width? Timbre? Palpable presence? Slam, punch, drive, grain, glare, detail? Is there a speaker measurement that actually does correlate with anything that matters? Yes: sensitivity.  D... 
Help me understand "the swarm" in the broader audiophile world
There's something else, however, that's difficult for me to wrap my mind around. This forum insists on the importance of every detail, the importance of micromanaging every cable terminal and power source. Which is better for speaker cable ele... 
Upgrade my tone arm?
A significantly better arm is a big improvement, just the same as a significantly better turntable, cartridge, phono stage, shelf, speaker, amp, IC, PC, conditioner, anything. Dang I coulda said anything right up front and saved all those pixels. ... 
Should I raise these Acoustic Panels?
Room that long, I would try bringing the speakers out a lot more. Move the chair back. Leave the rack, or maybe move it further back even. You might also try them along the long wall. If you can. Main thing is to increase distance from reflections... 
How do you know when an LP is a first or early pressing?
Here we go.... While there definitely is a big grain of truth to that, the bigger truth with vinyl is you just never know. There is a strong tendency for original early pressings to be better, but its really more like its the later and reissue pre... 
Springs under turntable
Right, that's the problem with concrete and stone, they ring. They are not inherently highly damped materials. What sounds great with a certain system at a certain level may not always sound so great as it gets better. With mine the problems with ... 
Are all Audiophiles masocists?
Its not masochistic to want to go faster. To want to do it in a Corvette, well then maybe you have a point. 
~$15K floorstanders: opinions sought
The OP started August 14th. Its now a month later. Hope that time was well spent waiting on Eric to build Ulfs with all Be drivers.Â