

Responses from millercarbon

Full circle and thinking about speakers
You know the snowflakes are way too easily triggered, and the mods are way too eager to please them, when the OP says, "I'll trust your words and have a listen" and we have no idea what he's talking about because the mods have already removed the ... 
Check in: How quickly are streamers and servers evolving?
Streamers and servers are rapidly evolving, and at an increasingly rapid rate. According to the latest projections within as little as five years they could even be close to where records were in 1950. 
Power transition
Depends on the particulars of your situation. If it is just one thing and if the one thing can be easily converted then that may well be the way to go. But even then I have to say "may" because it is never just the one thing. Everything has a plug... 
Full circle and thinking about speakers
Ahh yes, the crime of being enthusiastic about that which is good, while helping others avoid that which is not. Oh, the humanity!But wait- where did I say Tekton has a "major slice" of anything nailed down? If you cannot argue a point without dis... 
Full circle and thinking about speakers
91dB is just below my (admittedly arbitrary) cutoff of 92dB. In any case you definitely want higher. No idea why audiophiles don’t pay more attention to this. Every time I read one of these posts where the guy is searching for the "right amp to ma... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
All - My comment about giving a twenty to a homeless person was not intended to interject a political or social comment into the thread. It is just my preferred act as opposed to buying something of unknown quality. So you give it all away. Great.... 
Prescription Speaker Placement
The method I use is the classic one that has been around for years. I merely refined it to improve precision. But it all starts with figuring out where to put the speakers- and equally important where to sit!- for the best frequency balance. Two t... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
I had fully expected the hot stamper to be a marketing trick and corresponded with Tom in advance ensuring that if I was unhappy I could return it per his guarantee I didn’t return it and that’s why I thanked him NOW.. I did return multiple lps la... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
So, ’Virtue signaling’ causes homelessness??You think it doesn't? Here's how it works. At any given point in time there are people who for whatever reason simply are not productive enough to be worth more than a few dollars an hour. But libtards w... 
to do or not to do?
1. Are you sure the jacket is braided and not tweed? Second, there is no 2. 
Digital vs 8 Track
Everyone knows 8-track wins. Assuming the tape doesn't jam into a big hairy mess.No, wait, now that I think about it, even then. 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
I have a home. But since you are shamelessly virtue signaling we have a lot of homeless here in Seattle thanks to all the rampant virtue signaling going on here. If you send me as much as you can spare I will pass it on to the ones I see every day... 
Prescription Speaker Placement
You don’t need certain music, or any music at all really. The formula for imaging is as simple as everything must be perfectly symmetrical and equidistant. This is how I set up mine, and everyone else’s, up to and including the speakers in the Tal... 
Cartridge suggestions for...
Cartridges do not mate with arms. They mate with listeners, and phono stages. Mostly though they have to mate with you, and provide the sort of sound you want. With no idea what you want or how much you are willing to spend this is worse than thro... 
Building a house
Professional room treatment begins with design. It is almost silly to give advice however because costs escalate so quickly. Just the advice to have plenty of outlets, which seems solid enough, but every hole in the wall is a sound portal you need...