
Responses from mijostyn

Open baffle speakers
@coltrane1 Sorry friend, but I have made and measured open baffle subwoofers and there is no mystery here. If you think what your listening too sounds good you have a lot left to experience, which is a good thing.  
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
@lewm That is correct, the impedance of the bass transformer is quite high, but that is after that fact. I am talking about driving the Vanderveen transformers almost full range except under 100 Hz. All the stock transformers are either blown or i... 
Open baffle speakers
@jaytor @coltrane1 Low bass, below 100 Hz is handily the most difficult part of the audio spectrum to evaluate by ear and even measurement can be tricky. The first tell that there are problems is the baffle shaking or vibrating with low notes. Tha... 
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
@lewm The 1 ohm resistors are for the Bricasti M 28 mono blocks I am trying out. Their output impedance is something like 0.02 ohms. The MA2s will not oscillate but they do not care for load impedances below 2 ohms either. They actually play loade... 
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
@lewm Long story. My new processor has a 4 way crossover. I decided to try bi amping the transformers. Roger suggested a crossover point at 500 Hz. I used the MA2s to drive the bass transformers and a Bricasti M25 to drive the treble transformers ... 
Open baffle speakers
@ozzy62 Frequency response measurements are taken at 1 meter. The frequency response below 50 Hz of an open baffle woofer in a residential room at a 12 foot listening position is at best unpredictable and more than likely horrendous. An open baffl... 
Anyone Try a Mutech Hayabusa MC Cartridge with a Channel D Lino C Phono Stage
@eaneverson That is the high gain setting. The MSL would be perfect. The more output the cartridge has the better the signal to noise ratio. Message Rob Robertson ( softsupport) at Channel D and ask.   
Open baffle speakers
@jasonbourne71 My very best friend in Miami, a Jewish journalist two decades my elder had DQ 10s. We met at Sound Components, Peter McGrath's high end store. I had just moved down there for med school and I was a fish out of water. Leo and his wif... 
Open baffle speakers
@invalid I owned Divas for 6 years. I had just moved back to New England in 1987 and picked up my pair directly from the factory in Mass. My previous speakers were Acoustat 2+2s with Tympany 3s before that and several models of Acoustat before tha... 
The Jico SAS/B Stylus VN 5 MR
@richardbrand I do not know Richard. What is the price of insanity. The AT540ML has a much higher moving mass and  lower compliance than the V15, The V15 will track at 1/2 the VTF of the AT. I have not examined the 540, but I have examined other ... 
Open baffle speakers
The DQ10 was not an open baffle speaker in the purest sense. It was a speaker with numerous time aligned baffles. It was a beautiful sounding speaker that could not image. One has to be specific about what they are calling open baffle speakers. T... 
Anyone Try a Mutech Hayabusa MC Cartridge with a Channel D Lino C Phono Stage
Hi, I think you should spend a little more and go for the My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent EX. It might be an ultimate combination with the Lino C and between the two of them an ultimate value for sure. I have not heard the Hayabusa or looked at it und... 
Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing?
I just installed a DEQX Pre 8 in a system based on Magico S7 loudspeakers. First off, they are extraordinarily well made. To start, they were being driven by  McIntosh gear. The image was diffuse and details smoothed over in typical McIntosh fashi... 
The Jico SAS/B Stylus VN 5 MR
@ledoux1238 Yes, they make, I think it was 4 different cantilevers based on "special" Japanese woods. This is a cultural thing with the Japanese. I am heavy into Japanese woodworking tools. The best plane irons are given names like "Eagle Spirit" ... 
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
@atmasphere My cable has been cut to 24 inches So according to your comment 40 pf would be about right.  @rauliruegas If it only involves a few parts and a soldering iron I will try anything. I also have 50 kohm resistors, 100 and 200 pF caps on ...