
Responses from mijostyn

The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
@richardbrand I specified the distance, 10th Row. I grew up in the Boston area and my father had season tickets for many years. Of course reflections are a great deal of what we hear and to get a well defined image in any situation, real or imitat... 
What exactly is PRaT???
@audition__audio 1+ @dogearedaudio There are several aspects to stereo imaging that help define a systems performance. Imaging specificity is essentially the "focus" of the image. With the best systems and recordings each instrument and voice is ... 
better wood for a plinth
@orionpcgames Oak is loaded with tannic acid. It will turn any steel it comes in contact with black. You can use it but you want to make sure you put a protective layer of felt between the wood and the turntable. You would want to use quarter sawn... 
Does Anyone Know the History of the Early Sota Turntables?
@neonknight  @lewm  That would make two of us. More than anything vacuum clamping results in amazing pitch stability and lower low frequency background noise as long as the record is reasonably concentric. There is no other downside. I will never ... 
Does Anyone Know the History of the Early Sota Turntables?
@neonknight The PD300 was produce from 1982 to 1984. I do believe that SOTA beat it out but it was close. It is entirely possible for a suspended turntable to take multiple arms, the Dohmann Helix 1 is an example. Sota could easily make one on th... 
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
@lewm That is exactly why you need subwoofers. I have no problem replicating the dynamics of a live performance. I can actually overdue it.  That is a problem with some small clubs, the PA can screw up location cues. The drums can be unamplified,... 
Does Anyone Know the History of the Early Sota Turntables?
OK, David Fletcher was behind both Sumiko and SOTA. The first table Marketed by SOTA was the Sapphire. I had an original one with a Syrinx PU3 Tonearm for almost 40 years and it is still in use in a young audiophiles system. All I ever did was rep... 
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
@axpert  Thank you for your input. I have gotten a set of 100 pf capacitors to install in my XLR to RCA adapters which should calm down the high end a bit and I will give the V15 another spin.  It seems that some prefer the V MR to the x MR. If I... 
Time for a new cartridge
Because you are using a unipivot arm you will want to go with a high compliance cartridge such as another Van den Hul or a Lyra. Lyra specifically recommends against unipivot arms.  Soundsmith makes some of their cartridges in high compliance vers... 
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
@atmasphere No, I was quoting that equation for someone else. I have not used a passive high pass crossover for 30 years. I do not know if you got the message, but I gave up on trying to bi amp the two transformers. I could not keep the amps from ... 
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
@lewm Just one other deviation. The DC resistance across the primary of your bass transformer is almost 4 ohms, something like 3.7 ohms. I can't remember the exact figure.  
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
@lewm True, but have you tried to buy capacitors in Farads lately?  
Anyone Try a Mutech Hayabusa MC Cartridge with a Channel D Lino C Phono Stage
@eaneverson The gain depends on the cartridges impedance and output voltage. I have a Seta L Plus with a similar gain structure as your Lino C and the MSL cartridges sound great. The Ultra Eminent EX has the best signal to noise ratio of them all... 
Open baffle speakers
@coltrane1 I have been designing and building subwoofers for 40 years, https://imgur.com/gallery/building-resonance-free-subwoofers-dOTF3cS I have no idea about bass and I have been an audiophile for 70 years. My mother had to put a table radio in... 
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL
Correct @rauliruegas All you have to know is the amps input impedance then you can complete the math to determine capacitor value based on input impedance and the crossover frequency.  C = 1/ 6.28 R F   R is input impedance in megaohms and F is fr...