
Responses from mickeyb

High expectations when listening to an orchestra
Of course, there aren’t 60 musicians in your room. Your equipment and mind will provide you with the necessary illusion. Still awesome to hear the reproduction.  
phase linear 500 watt per chanell amp
Noisy , headache inducing garbage but ok in it’s day.  
Does the Audio Industry Have a Quality Problem?
^^^^^Jesus man only use a box cutter to break the tape to box bond. Your not removing a tumor.  
Samsung flat screen TV’s
Panasonic or Sony xbr. This is what all the salesman buy. Get the best of either brand you can afford.  
What Is The Most Romantic Song That You Have Ever Listen To?
Ween/ stay forevergrant Lee Buffalo/ honey don’t think. Many more but I’m tired.  
Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo
It’s relative. If you’re with a million and spend 30k on a set of speakers it’s not unreasonable. If you’re worth 10 mil and spend 300k on speakers it’s not unreasonable. I’d love to hear them. I bet a properly set up system with these speakers wo... 
Heat from amps?
You want hot? Try an old krell pure class A amp. Pass runs cold next to those. Pass class A/B do not run hot but warm. You’ll be fine with a 250.8.  
transistor pre with the sound of tubes
Ayre would be the best bet for tube sound. I prefer tube preamp with ss amp. Seems to be the best of both worlds.  
Best Bang for your Buck DAC ?
Chord qutest. About 1500. Very nice.  
What are Your Favorite Tweeters?
Usher silk dome.  
Phono Stage, Cartridge, DeGritter...which one first?
Damn, I was just gonna buy an isonic but mc talked me out of it. I think I’ll get a Benz micro Lps now.  
Two defective pieces in a row - unreasonable to demand refund?
1 was damaged. 1 doesn’t work. Get the third one. Really only 1 was doa. This happens. If the next one is doa, I’d demand a refund.  
Pass XP12. Tame, Anemic?
You need to tame those klipsch with a tube pre. Forget the pass pre. Conrad Johnson would be sweet.  
Best DAC / Budget
I have a very similar analog rig as you. I have an ear 834 p and vpi classic 3. My digital is a chord cutest direct usb from iMac. I stream through tidal. I a/b the exact song from analog to digital and vice versa and the sq is very close. I’d loo... 
Is this an right time to buy hifi?
Millercarbon is correct except for buying Bitcoin. You can bet your &$) it will be outlawed sooner than later. Specifically because of the ransoms associated with the crypto currency. Gold, platinum, silver. That’s the ticket