
Responses from michaela

Value of Mcintosh MX-110
I will take a crack at in. I have seen pristine ones go for close to $2,000 but they look almost like new and don't need any work and the tubes have all been tested and there is a lot of life left on them. But, you need to see what version yours i... 
Any ideas?? ARC CD 3 doesn't work
Not trying to attack anyone here, just can't believe some of the stuff I am reading. For example,Mapman - "It's true probably part of the American frontier mentality to use things up senselessly and then dispose of them" - No, it's not probably tr... 
Do prefer a black or silver faceplate?
For 70's gear, silver. For newer gear, black. 
AudiogoN Inception Date?
I also joined on 12/31/1969. I was 11 years old but remember the day very well. It was a day like no other.... 
Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?
I wonder why Mac equipment has to endure this type of question year after year. This thread is 13 years old and so for at least 13 years the question has been out there "Why do no audio enthusiasts use Mcintosh". Look at how the OP even asked the ... 
Best 3 channel amplifiers under $750?
I used to have an Anthem MCA30 that worked very well. You should be able to find one used for right around that number. 
Mcintosh Quality after buyout by D&M holdings
In your price range, look for a used MC252, it will be closer to 3k but it will mate very well with your C50 and be more than enough to drive your Dynaudio Signature C1's. 
Is there any 50W 300B SET monoblock out there?
A Mastersound Reference 845 puts out 45 wpc, using 845 tunes, I've never needed anything more so far. 
First Table Setup: Org. VPI Scout
"Should I get the Mike F. Stereopile Video?"I believe it's on youtube. 
Thorens TD124 - Need help starting from scratch
Thanks Kitch, there's a ton of info over there. I was hoping for specific recommendations. Does anyone know who would be the best person in the NJ area to help set this TT up? Thanks!Mike 
Best gently used setup for under $6k
"I know there is better value to be had with other brands" Don't short change your set-up or think you need to make an excuse for buying McIntosh or B&W just because others on this board or others may have disparaged them. Both are excellent b... 
Charge for TT setup?
Polk432 is on the right track. To make a good deal, you always have to be ready to walk away. In a very nice, very friendly sort of way, simply tell him that if you have to pay for set-up, its a deal breaker and be ready to walk. Find a dealer who... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
It would be very interesting to ask the members who responded to this thread in the very beginning in 2004, if they still have the amps they recommended then today! As for me, I've always bought equipment I liked and just held onto it, not because... 
Is it double taxation?
Johnbarlow:Taxation with representation hasn't been so great either :)Mike 
One's trash is someone else's treasure
Punkawalla,Let's not confuse the matter with the concept of fair market value. Fair market value is the collective perception of all individuals having in interest in the item as to is value or worth. Between Gemini and the elderly gentleman, the ...