
Responses from mes

Dartzeel NHB-108
No, the other one, what's-his-name. 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Hey, I resemble those remarks.1.I have no friends.2.I'm PSYCHIC.3.I only own 1/2 of any of my gear, EMM Labs included.4.Who's Bob Crump?5.Oh, like that's a challenge!6.The terrible sounds I've heard you make have nothing to do with kidney stones. ... 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Apparently, after talking with Frank, this was merely a misunderstood joke, with no harm intended, that went a little over the top. No harm, no foul, AFAIC. Andrew, sorry the thread got hijacked, and I was a part of it. I in fact have heard the Da... 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Better question: How are you post editing?!? I need to learn that trick. This is a totally different post from 5 minutes ago. Arnie? 
Dartzeel NHB-108
Frank - Other than insulting DarTzeel, Tenor, Jacob, and Andrew what was the purpose of your response to this honestly asked question? I'd have thought, knowing you, that this approach was beneath you. I expected more from someone in your position... 
Elite Preamps--Electon Images, Messenger, Tube Res
The Mesenger is an incredible pre-amp but very costly and out of your budget range. It does most things well, and has incredible bass. The soundstage is great, more realistic than the ARC Ref pre's, which to my ear have an almost spuriously large ... 
What was your first music that you paid for?
LP- The Music Machine. Had a great rendition of Tax Man.45-Turtles Happy Together. 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
interesting and sophisticatedrefusing to be celebratedit's a monumental big screen kissit's so deep it's meaningless. t hipis it rainin in new yorkdown fifth avenueor on broadway after darklove the lights, don't you b ferrythe delivery is half the... 
SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
" the above challenge a mute point". Oh, I don't know. I still speak about it on occasion :-) 
Speakers for NAD C370
I set a system up for a friend driving Maggie MMG's with the 370. Very good, surprisingly so. If budget allows, something up the chain in Maggie could be even better. The MMG's are a real bang for the buck, and mate well with the 370. 
SACD/Redbook one-box solution?
Audio Aero is coming out with a 1 box upsampling CD/SACD player. 
Kharma 3.2 Owners, your thoughts...
I agree with the above comments to try it without the P-300, I didn't care for it with my digital front ends, it imparted a choked, etched character to the sound. That notwithstanding, and although I didn't necesarily think they were etched even o... 
Who's Your Favorite Bass Players; Why?
Dave Holland. 
When did it all start?
Circa 72, when in my early teens I heard a system that one of my moms younger hippie brothers took in as payment on some plant products he was distributing at the time, an integrated Marantz receiver with built in tt, and a pair of 3 way speakers ... 
Suggestions for a monitor speaker
Sorry, monitor, not moniter. I had a brain fert.