
Responses from mechans

"Brand New"...I don't think so
As oppposed to totally new etc. It trouble me when an item has been tried out by the original buyer who doesn't care for it and then reselling it as new. I wouldn't have an issue with "As New" but some people seem to need to push the linits. No ma... 
Amp blowing fuses
Did you call quicksilver? Sounds like a short as suggested previously. It may not be overt or another component which you can just swap out so easily. I assume you already changed the rectifier since it is tube rectified. 
EL34 tube monoblocks that doubles power at 4 ohms
Good point -why double if the base line wattage is sufficient? 
Amplifier's Amps?
Amps are not the usual measure of an amplifier but the slew rate and peak current capacity are meaningful. Certain speaker draw a lot of current "amps" and a well designed amplifier can produce them quickly. Is that the answer you wanted. I got th... 
EL34 tube monoblocks that doubles power at 4 ohms
I agree and emphasize that tube power actually seems to increase against higher impedance loads not the other way around. I understand that this is a lack of higher current being made on demand by tubes in that face of low impedance. If you want m... 
Possible move from Hovland amps?
Too much of any one thing doesn't always cmake the best outcome. I personally think an injection of big tome tubes like 845s makes sense in this set up. The only way to know is to here it for yourself. If I were trying to here different set ups th... 
Monitor Audio???
My ears are refined to like what I like which isn't better or worse than any refinement of your ears, just different. To answer your question I haven't heard them and therefore I have nothing to say about this new model. If past experience is any ... 
What is approx. percentage of your total
Why are you asking? I don't own that many records to start with. Does it mean anything in particulart? Just curious. 
Magnifyer with Light Suggestions?
My local chain druygstore has lighted magnifying glasses many have two levels of magnification. They are hardly isochromamatic or isoplanar but might give you an idea of how much magnification you need. A standard jewelers loupe is 10X but I have ... 
Re-wire sockets or use adapters?
I like the 6SN7 sonic why change? I could understand using a real ECC32 but the pin out is the same I think. 
French Speakers?
I own old Electras which are one step up but it is a pretty a big step and think they are fabulous. I did spend a good deal of time, money and effort finding the right electronics for them. I've needed service once and it was easy and smooth. I ag... 
Cables for Harbeth-Luxman match?
A general suggestion or two, I would avoid warm sounding cables with these two warmer than average pieces. I think a nuetral sounding or slightly clinical high definition cable would be a good match. With that in mind a silver plated or if you can... 
Rethinking my system: Your ideas are appreciated
Your instincts are correct. The speakers are simply too small and the power too little. Class D amps have all the watts you ned cheap enough, as mentioned Wyred4sound and others. The problem is the class D sonic is bit on the dry side. Choosing sp... 
A dilemma: Modern sound, Musical Bliss or both?
Even though more choices might seem a recipe for madness, I think you have yet to here what you seem to desire. Therefore I say keep "looking." 
Repair or Replace my JM Labs Micron Carats
If your looking for more bass or fuller sounding speakers, you might as well fix the woofer, and get a subwoofer. That's what a lot of people with bookshelf speakers do. I am personally not a great advocate of subwoofers, thus I leave it to others...