
Responses from mechans

Phono Cartridge advice
I don't think the mode e.g. triode vs pentode etc. really alters your decision to use am MC or an MM cartridge. The preamp as you noted does matter.What it really boils down to is, which sound, between these two, you will prefer. I own a Dynevecto... 
Klipsch Chorus II or Forte II - Secondary system
It sounds like you have already decided, get the Fortes which have better bass and you know what your buying. Knowing and auditioning speakers is getting difficult with the lack of brick and mortor stores. Good luck and BTW that is really a 180 in... 
Review: Amadi Maddie Signature Interconnect
I did a search for these cables and couldn't find the web site can you kindly provide it. I am curious about these products and am researching the newer cables. I just bought a Triode Wire power cable, which I like because of the connector options. 
Magnepan Ribbons and Hearing Loss
To Elizabeth and others who agree with her- Right On Right On. I am impressed by the nature of everyone's response to this question. No disability, and loss of hearing high frequency sound is not a disability, anymore than baldness or wrinkles, bu... 
Tube Pre-Amp for Luxman L525
Why not try a cheaper approach by using a Tube Buffer. This may help but probably won't Affect the tone dramatically. I love me AES AE-3 that uses 6SN7s which you can change (roll). For you I would suggest the following tubes NU GT gray glass or t... 
12 VDC trigger cable
I am sure that one of the many cable makers would do a custom piece for a price. There are so many that I hesitate to suggest one, but check with Cullen Circuits for example. 
Tandberg 2075 or Mcintosh MAC 4200. Better?
If you can get a warranty of some sort on the McIntosh that would make it my choice. The Mac is almost always a brand you can resell if you want to move up, or tire of it. The Tandberg, was once a really high marquee brand but now not so much for ... 
Amplifier for rear channels
Who made your front and center receiver /amp? For sound continuity you may be able to get a 2 channel power amp by the same manufacturer. Which speakers are you using? 
High end CD player paired with High end processor
I too had Aragon amps and could quite easily hear the difference good CD players made in the overall sound quality. I would still be cautious in your case and buy a CD player whose DAC you like and not go crazy spending. If you can get a lightly u... 
Bada 225: sonic impressions based on your system?
It will be good only if it sounds good to you. I have not heard one but looked it up. The specs are fine, but you really need to hear it, to know if that is the sound you want. Since that is difficult these days, it is smart to buy one used with t... 
Hybrid Balanced Tube Preamp?
You may want to look at BAT preamps. Other fully SS preamps do not defeat the goal of good sound.To be honest and realistic, the place where tubes really make a big difference is in the output section. A signal from an SS a preamp is usually very ... 
Decisions, decisions....
You should try to listen to all of the tables you have, so that you don't have regrets later on. Once you have done that, sell the tables that aren't your top choice. After all how many turntables can you listen to at the same time? It sounds like... 
incredible inexpensive speaker
Monoprice headphones are killer bang for the buck. I thought you wanted other exemplars. 
To Tube or not to Tube......
Yes try a (or some mono blocs) tube power amp/s. OK now-Many are auto biased these days even big expensive jobs like may Jadis DA-60 which is an integrated but you get the idea. Not all will have the slow rich liquid rolled treble type sound peopl... 
Power Cords: A Skeptic Looking to Dabble...
jmcgrogan I think you are wrong. Look at how many people responded to this power cable question. Everyone has been over a hundred times but we still want to talk about it. Indeed it doesn't seem like new manufacturers are shy about it either, thou...