
Responses from mechans

Minor Vintage Repair?
McIntosh gear. 
@Kreber my condolences as well.  You can get the equipment packed for you by UPS among others for example. There are other issues.  You need to know the value of the gear you're selling.  It would be good if you had a friend of your late husband ... 
Time to look at newer speakers?
IBID   the new JBLs 
KEF LS50 or Wharfedale Reva 2 -- which would you buy?
Get something clean sounding that has distinct phrasing.  I've heard Monitor is warm but clear especially the Silver series. 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
If you don't count anachronistic speakers like my Dad's  1959 JBL C36s, then my Focal 936 Electras.  Simultaneously the best and the worst. When I finally got the right tube amps to play them they were glorious, unmittigated splendor bofore the Tu... 
Infinity Kappa 8's with a Krell KAV-300i?
Should be fine, unless you blast it.  Even then it would take some nasty distortion at really high volume to kill the Krell. 
Looking for a mid-priced TT to install my 2M Black Cart
Sir Cheech has evidently left the building.  We could go on debating the matter ad nauseam without harm however. 
Bryston 4B3 vs Mac MC462 vs Pass Labs X250.8, OR... GRYPHON Diablo 300?
I just want to hear some Gryphon gear.  Looks cool, is very expensive apparently, and is considered ultra high end. 
Looking for a mid-priced TT to install my 2M Black Cart
Some of this is hard to believe.  It always makes sense to get the best you can unless, you aren't sure you want to use vinyl at all.  If you do get a used VPI a Scout or better,  if you can find one with a really good cartridge already on it.  Th... 
Tube info
@BBrousardI hate selling.  The perfectionist buyers who think they are buying from a store with unreasonable expectations .  I don't even want to think of the bath I'm going to take on some of my tubes.  I never really thought about selling, and t... 
Recommend speakers for a restaurant sound system
It depends on how you want the sound to come from.  If it is truly everywhere then an array of built in ceiling speakers will do, pick your favorite brand. If you want it coming from a stage or from a particular direction then once again these man... 
Tube info
Jim McShane is my source .  He tests and tests and is very picky.  He will not sell you tubes without knowing what amp they are going into.  @ Broussard that must be some private collection ! I consider mine large but don't have inventory like tha... 
I agree the Technics cost as much as my divine pre divorce VPI system. It does not belong with inexpensive tables in any way at all. 
I'm kinda looking myself and found the same about the Technics it's an expensive table for that money I could get my pre divorce VPI set up  (new)which was divine. 
Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades
Your ears period .With such a large outlay it's critical.