
Responses from mechans

Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
Looks like Mint is winning by quite some. Frankly "both working and cosmetic are perfect". Is about as useless as can be. I realize cosmetics are vital for resale but I really don't mind really small imperfections but even the slightest malfunctio... 
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
MrTennis: Primum non nocere! Are you implying we took some kind of oath or are these terms less harmful. Trelja, old pal perhaps the number of ribs or slabs there of would be a better way to draw a distinction between a specification and a descrip... 
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
I agree with Trelja, Tvad et. al. Tubey meant vintage dark (there goes another audiophile term,) with rolled off highs with midrange bloom , oops there goes another, it's not really floral. In fact what is bloom? Poor equalization? Modern day tube... 
help me build a system for $1200
A know a couple of medical students, one of whom introduced me to this miserable hobby it causes an insidious incurable condition, audiosyncratic upgraditis. Unless there is something drastically wrong with your current system. Then I seriously re... 
Which KT88s for Cary SLI-80?
If You have tried the JJs EL34L then I take it your amp can take EL34s. If so, then you might want to try the JJ KT-77s despite whatever controversy over quality you may have heard, they have worked well for me and my friends. I find that they are... 
15A or 20A wall recepticles?
Sufentanil has been sampling the goods again! Unless you have a really monster amp and I mean monsterous close to a 1,000 watts that requires 20 amps which consitute a tiny handful of the amps available, you will not pull 20 amps period. Although ... 
Happy Birthday Miles
I really Bummed out when he passed. I will play some of his music to honor his memory. 
Will increasing size of amp improve sound quality?
Its true only if you have big woofers to get them moving or very insentive or low impedance speaker. I agree that the book shelves don't require any more power, get some bigger Klipsch. If you are a Klipsch fan you can pick up vintage Heresys with... 
Comparisons of Audience and VH Flavor 1 PC's
I have Audience 24au power cords and interconnects very very flexible can't compare with VH don't own. If the Audience is laid back its still very detailed and I have a bright detailed system so it works for me. I need the warmth if that's what yo... 
Personal CD player evolution
Sony 5 disc ? model 1983Sony 5 disc ? model 1994 works but don't ever use.Music Hall CD mmf 25 use as back up 3rd systemJolida JD 100 for WAF system rolled Mullard outputsAudio Aero Prima- Transport died used CV2493 and Siemans 6922 tubes mainly S... 
Audio Research D110 or D111
I haven't got any true notion of it's value relative to what you see paid for some ARC solid states, of that era. I own(ed) a couple of broken ones. I have seen others including mine which have been very unreliable. Approach with caution, don't pa... 
Speaker depreciation: Is there a rule of thumb?
I have noticed that the depreciation in addition to age is size and brand dependent. Big unknown speakers you are lucky to get 50% more likely 30% of oringinal msrp. Small easy to ship speakers from a well liked ,popular brand, you see a lot of pe... 
tube question
There are several pages on the web that give you the prescice data for the tubes tolerances and what you can sub . As mentioned I always do a search on Audio Asylum especially their tube group, first to see if the "pin out" and voltage is very clo... 
cello music
I strongly second the Starker version of Bach's Cello Siutes on vinyl. The reissue is fabulous but pricey, don't know if it's on regular CD and don't know if it's good. I would check it out anyway. Although I can hardily recommend the Archiv produ... 
vintage tuners
How old do you mean by vintage? How old is your integrated?