
Responses from mechans

Leaving amplifiers on all the time???
I had a computer that I left on 24/7 for years it just got outdated. I don't do that anymore because of security issues. I thick with the only exception being power outages that my clock radio wich I must leave on has been working for 9 years. I s... 
Help with upgrading speaker cables
Yes a cable can make your sound worse. Absolutely, some cables are just a poor match. 'BTW how much do those Synergistic cables you like cost. Please be honest I would like to try them if they aren't real expensive. Please don't ask what expensive... 
silver with tubes and copper with solid state ??
That's quite a coincidence I had a MF 308 for years and found it to screechy for my taste. I tried everything I could afford in cables and no matter what I used it didn't work out in my rig. I think the rig will supercede the cable. Therefore buy ... 
Sony SCD-777es as transport?
My understanding is that Sony has given up making transports for CD altogether. The last company that makes a transport is Phillips, excepting those firms that claim they make it themselves such as Esoteric. 
Help with upgrading speaker cables
Relatively thick Ohno continous copper crystal, also called long crystal copper Zip cord. It is nuetral and not a dollar per foot it is about $5-7. It con be found from many sources do a search. I think Moon audio and certainly Neotech amongst man... 
Triple deionized water for cleaning lps ?
By far the best groove cleaning machines regardless of water as long as it is distilled once without any other issue and clean works miracles I am referring to the Monks type RCMs.The second best is the sacrifice a cheap cartridge stylus method. R... 
Leaving amplifiers on all the time???
Hotsauce Yes you are right so there is no hard and fast rule. My suggestion was really aimed at the tube guys I have class A in my WAF system amp ,she went to change a cd felt the heat and thought it was burning. I assured her if she could resist ... 
Upgradability of an MMF-5
I think a Koetsu Tiger Eye cartridge would help. Otherwise do what Mr. Feil says, just get a better rig. 
dead quiet
Will Mr. Fiel tell us an affordable combination . This is for people like me who can't stop by. It would greatly appreciated.Mr. Porter I would love to know what you are using could youy explain your analog front end. I truly wonder if your hearin... 
Speaker placement: Your favourite shortcut?
High Rushton your agreement with Mr. Cardas is usually right for my preferred listening position. I have to similarly agree with Mr. Porter and Dave.I must add that I have a dificult to Cardas place my speakers in my WAF system (Rush you never saw... 
Leaving amplifiers on all the time???
If you want a semi helpful comment beside search, here is my humble opinion. If you are only using Solid State as indicated you can leave them on idle. Idle power consumption is generally equivalent to keeping a light bulb going. There is no good ... 
Short history on legacy speakers
In 1948 or there abouts a man whose real name was italian but now called himself James Lansing worked tirelessly in a garage with little help to develope a speaker. In this case it is a driver. He wanted a driver that would make it from about 40Hz... 
Siemens CCa vs. Amperex 6922 D getter
My understanding is that a CCa is actually a production 6922 which tests and sounds special. Thus they are just highly selected. That said I agree that it is a scapel compared to a rip saw.The comments on the 6SN7s are verging on inane. Of course ... 
silver with tubes and copper with solid state ??
JMC2 is spot on except for the silver plated copper cablew hich works in many cases quite well and is popular. That just goes to show you there is no way to know what a cable will sound like in your system until you have used it for a while in the... 
does cartridge output level affect surface noise?
Less sensitive, the low output MCs are noted for their ability to pick up fine detail. However this is of minor signicance compared with the amplification of your Phono Stage. I use an out of control high--- way too high-- gain in the phono sectio...