
Responses from mechans

Anyone listened to the 50th Ann Shuguang KT-88
I think they look cool but know no one who has heard them. Shuguang really ticked me off by proing their bad poor judegment of audio tube style when they ceased production of the only 12AX7 they ever made that I liked. Its the 9th ed. 12AX7 C . I ... 
Anyone listened to the 50th Ann Shuguang KT-88
I think they look cool but know no one who has heard them. Shuguang really ticked me off by proving their bad poor judegment in regard to audio tubes. They ceased production of the only 12AX7 they ever made that I thought worth using. Its the "9th... 
Primaluna opinions wanted
They aren't really in the same league and are very different in all respects except for the remarkable quality of construction or "the build quality."The PL feels like a much more expensive amp. It sounds like a typical amp in it's price bracket. ... 
Newbie Power Cord Question
Try the cheapest but best secure feeling cord that I tried for a sense of what might be the end result of switching. Since then my expense budget for cabling went way up.My favorite cord now however will almost certainly reach your limit or be a b... 
Tube rolling: preamp or power tubes?
What I failed to convey is the usual situation with tube amplification that the big power tube is much more likely to be consumed with use than the small signal tube. Therefore when it comes to finding all the right tubes your chances of finding a... 
Tube rolling: preamp or power tubes?
The output or power tubes will have the greatest impact in most circuits. However "everything is important" or "nothing is not important" I think is the correct if quoting Kondo San. The typical situation is reversed for you and I. For my headphon... 
The "charactor" of pure Class A?
Well, getting back to the question Ralph. I think Mr. Carsten is entirely correct . True class A amps have muscle if you can imagine that, Yes they great for Rock you must have read that wrong. The signature is a tad of warmth Atmasphere amps asid... 
$3000: upgrade Tyler Linbrooks or amplification?
It replaced a highly modded over many years ARC SP6B Which uses 6 12AX7s. But this pre was just an ARC by nameplate. The guy I bought it from was a fanatic -he wanted a wire with gain. I thought that's the ticket the proverbial wire with gain. I t... 
$3000: upgrade Tyler Linbrooks or amplification?
The sound is good now. There is an old addage don't fix what isn't broken. The preamp can easily chew up your 2 or $3K budget. There seems no end to what a pre can cost. However I bought a cheap little pre an AE-3 on a Lark. The result for my $350... 
Bryston SST, McCormack DNA, or Parasound Halo?
All of your choices are OK. I would give the nod to the DNA 125 and the 225 better still.You have only Solid State listed. If you really want the three dimensional sound stage you might want to consider tube power amps or all tube integrated amps.... 
Phono stage gain
The Cartridge output is a pinch point if your phono stage is not sensitive to amplify the signal if at all . It just won't be heard . With the cartridge will be of critical importance as the "first component" which feeds into the the phono stage w... 
truth about subs?
I because wherever you go there you. If its real, you will need no intrductions or explainations. All will be colored by corrupt inequities of evil men all claiming to have the sole monopoly on truth, but when striped are just starving hysterical ... 
Cary V12 tubes...whats best ?
Personally I have gone thru a major change in my power output tube of choice. Instead of using an EL34 (BTW I always used the JJ E34L blue glass, slavishly) try a tube that simply haas more sturm and drang meaning bang and sizzle Like the quality ... 
Dk design mkii or musical fidelity A308 for KEF
I owned a 308cr and it is very conservately rated at 150WPC. It will handle quite a loadits pretty hard to clip it. The problem with that amp is that it seemed soooo sterile. I found it so neutral that I had to sell it and get a warmer richer tone... 
need help in spending 1500 on an amp and speakers
Use your ears .Buy the speakers first.If you have access to many friends who are in the hobby listen to their stuff to get a feel for the house sound. If you are near any retailers listen/audition to as any amps as possible. The rest will depend i...