

Responses from mdemaio

Advice from apartment dwellers
Keith - the room itself is rather large by NYC standards (overall it's about 26 X 12), but it's a grand room that will be divided into sections. The listening area itself, which will be partitioned off, will be about 14X12 or so...though the divid... 
What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?
Common Sense Audio offers a 300B-based integrated under the name Audio Nirvana for $1.5K that, to my ear at least, was not far behind a similarly-spec'd Audion amp that costed four times as much. Could be worth looking into. See here for details:h... 
Advice from apartment dwellers
Thanks again all for the thoughtful responses. Whitecap, I'd rather invest in audio equipment than a firearm, so regrettably I will have to forego your suggestion. Melbguy, thanks for the tip on the Pulsars...and Lloydelee, I will look into the Ex... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
The two that have stuck with me – each for a completely different reason - were the Volti Vittora and the Goldmund Prologos. 
Advice from apartment dwellers
Thanks Seikosha. I LOVE your listening space...so inviting! 
Advice from apartment dwellers
All helpful, guys....thanks again. 
Advice from apartment dwellers
I agree with you Zd. My experience is the 50s-60s brick buildings isolate sound much better than pre-war flats. Fortunately that's the kind of building I'll be moving into, so we'll see how it goes. I'm on the top floor in a corner, so it's one wa... 
Advice from apartment dwellers
Thanks all, for your considered responses and information...looks like I have some reading up to do. Many thanks! 
Benchmark DAC2 HGC
Benchmark makes some great gear...their amp is a little jewel as well. And in case it matters to your purchase (as it does to me), you won't meet a better guy than Rory...down to Earth and really cares about making his stuff top quality and reason...