
Responses from mcgarick

Looking for a great el34 based amp
My speakers are Speakerlab DAS3's they are a large bookshelf, 6-1/4" midbass and a vifa tweeter,8 ohm on stands.I'm running them with a B&W 600 powered sub. 
binding post break in
"That anyone can be "blown away" by binding posts is cause for a sizable step back from the precipice of audiophilia".LOL! 
What is the Best Integrated tube amp you heard
My ASL 1003DT, because its the ONLY integrated tube amp I have heard,lol! It's more fun to listen to than my Accuphase stuff,which is great too.I'm really smitten by it, its warm el34 sound and great dynamics to boot,a keeper. It puts the flesh on... 
CD transport for messed up Arcam
updateMy power supply caps failed, they were replace by an Arcam service center for around $125.00The arcam run great now. whew! 
Opinions on the following Integrateds
Why not a NAD 3020a (not the series twenty ones) more musical than the new stuff. cheap too. Ive had the new nads,sold them,kept the 3020a. Most of those amps are uninvolving, and after not too long will bore you to death.IMO. 
What are your suggestions for a pre-amp?
Accuphase c-200A sleeper preamp. more flexable than any other pre and will surpass the NAD's you have (by miles) and you can upgrade around it, a bargain used. A revelation to your ears.Research it.. 
Gryphon Diablo or Accuphase E-450
I own a Accuphase E-202 and several C-200's I had recapped, and a newer P-350, I can't sell them,so,my Son Aaron will get them someday,there great. 
Solid State Preamp recommendation for $2500?
Any Accuphase 
Vintage integrated Amps. What to look for?
Ya,Sansui AU717 integrated, can't go wong.Musical and powerful,with good detail,smooth also.And it looks cool! 
Vintage integrated Amps. What to look for?
Remember this too,at some point you will have to give the Unit some TLC.So, pick one that at tech wont mind working on.Some of the older European stuff -could- be problematicwith part, and some are a tech unfriendly. I asked my friend at Northwest... 
Vintage integrated Amps. What to look for?
Hey,I have traveled down this path, I've had the Sansui's and Pioneers, With the Sansui's I thought the AU 717 and AU 719 were great. Old Yamaha 000 series is very good.(like ca-600,ca800,ca1000,the later ones are not as good,Ive had them.Oh, anot... 
Antique Sound Labs AQ1003DT opinions wanted
Hi WitchdocWhats the response audio mod? what was changed.This unit is stock.My only other experience with tubes is my Eastern Electric Minimaxs, the power amps is great but it's 8 watts, it doesn't sound like an 8 watt amp as some might think. Bu... 
Which is the most tubelike solid state amp around
Accuphase,oh ya Accuphase, oh and Accuphase. 
Self bias tube integrated or power amp suggestions
Are Cayin's self bias type amps? 
Sonic Impact T-Amp giant killer?
I had one,not musical to me.