
Responses from mceljo

What are some of the mistakes, failures or bad purchases of your audio history?
Sometimes there's value in the journey, but with hindsight being 20/20 I could have skipped the detour on my way to owning my Pathos Classic One MkIII.  I saw the Pathos in a local shop used and while it was a great price, it was more than I was i... 
Unusual Old School Way of Wiring Speakers
@sworksone - Yes, indeed.    
What Power Cords for Rel S510 Subs?
@kingharold - Boring!  Actually, I mostly started dabbling with cables out of a curiosity to see if I could hear a difference with my own ears and my own system.  The end result was yes and a very nice improvement in my system.  The experience did... 
What Power Cords for Rel S510 Subs?
This is kind of a random way to approach this.  I was looking at the Audioquest price book and noticed that their most expensive subwoofer cable retails for $340 for 2m.  Contrast this with their most expensive interconnect that retails for $2,750... 
What Power Cords for Rel S510 Subs?
@1971gto455ho - I assume that you believe that every audible difference can be easily measured.  I was a cable skeptic for the most part until a few months ago.  I got the itch dabble in the voodoo that is all things audiophile and opted to start ... 
Unusual Old School Way of Wiring Speakers
I'm not having any luck finding anything about it, but I thought I read about connecting a rear speaker to one of the outputs (i.e. lefts or rights) from the main speakers with the result being a bit of a phantom channel the added some depth.  Doe... 
Batteries in my Audioquest Colorado RCA interconnects
@cinqcepages - There's all kinds of harm to possibly finding out that you can't hear a difference!  It'll lead to some type of unhappiness.  Is your system not good enough to hear the difference in?  Is the DBS 72v a total scam and now you feel co... 
Washington Post article on MoFi vs. Fremer vs. Esposito
I feel like this topic boils down to what the customer was intending to pay for. It seems that the people that are upset with MoFi are disappointed that the vinyl that they paid for wasn't the result of wholly analog processes.  In my mind, there... 
NEWS FLASH!! Listening to Music is NOT a "Distraction."
dis·trac·tion noun 1.a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else:   Is it possible that truly great music just might be the ultimate distraction?  Can it stop you in your tracks while you're doing something ot... 
Loudness or high sensitive speakers?
I think you’re mixing apples and oranges. Higher sensitivity speakers will produce a higher sound level with the same power input as a lower sensitivity speaker. Loudness functions adjust the EQ. From Fletcher and Munson were re... 
@theaudioamp - I don't think that that it's necessarily expected that the best sound will be the result when using cables from a single manufacturer.  I think it's reasonable to expect that a cable manufacturer would do their R&D with all of t... 
@adg101 - Placebo and expectation bias cannot be completely ignored.  I do not have the ultimate system, setup, etc., and I have heard differences in my system from cable changes.  So far it's been limited to analog interconnects (upgraded twice w... 
Your thoughts on selling
You might consider taking the time to listen to them as you might find that you're missing out on some music that you've forgotten about, overlooked, or enjoy more with your current system. I had several stacks of CDs that I was ready to get rid ... 
MoFi controversy
@blisshifi - I'm certainly far from a hifi expert.  I do a little reading and watch some videos and try to pick out the commonalities and things that seem to be common sense to me. The idea that the mastering for vinyl (70 dB dynamic range) and C... 
Which sounds better: I2S or Coax.
Paul from PS Audio is pretty clear that they consider the I2S to be superior.  Any reason to question them if you trust them enough to own their equipment?