
Responses from maxxc

Just ordered the Jungson 88D Luxury Edition.
Small world. Daniel emailed me and said he sold his 88C to someone who was a little apprehensive about the dynamics before buying it. Actually the dynamics thing was a little out of context. What I basically said on AA was that I had not heard the... 
Just ordered the Jungson 88D Luxury Edition.
Same here no way I could afford this type of performance with domestic/euro gear. Thats what I had heard about the Cayin. Thats why I think you'll find this alot more exciting amp. Its anything but boring, big big 80wpc. The owners manuel is inter... 
Just ordered the Jungson 88D Luxury Edition.
Thanks, Still using the Cayin Tube amp? I think you'll really like the difference. I had a Jolida 202A which probably isn't quite up to the level of the Cayin. None the less I think you'll probably find the midrange more resolving but probably not... 
Just ordered the Jungson 88D Luxury Edition.
Where did you see a review of the monoblocks? As to the temperature it runs cool for class A. I use it in a 12x13 room and no problem even in the summer. Maxx 
Totem Arro w/ my Jolida amp?
Should be no problem at all. The tubes in the preamp section of the 1501 and 100wpc, should make the amp and speakers a real good match.BW Maxx 
Eastern Electric Minimax CD 
Integraded Amp
Cambridge Audio Azur amps. 
Jungson JA88D anyone?
Drac why don't you email Fazoid. He has the JA-100 and I'm sure can probably tell you the differences between the JA-50 and JA-100. He also has the 99c. Which I am told is the same power amp section as the 88D.Yep, if I had the bucks I would go wi... 
Musical Fidelity A324 DAC, Is this a ??
Go to You can find reviews of the MF there. One does a comprison between the 3.24 and a Bel Canto DAC. From what the reviews say it leans toward the warm side. 
Wadia still in business?
I've heard the same thing about Wadia. Repairs take forever. Some report more then a year's wait.Does seem strange, spend so much time and effort building SOA products but run the rest of the company in a half-ass manner.Dosen't seem to be unusual... 
best CDR disc to buy as present
Memorex Black have worked real well and are inexpensive. 
Ls 3/5a sound without the price.....
Model 5 looks like it might be a good 'poor mans version'. If you can squeeze a little more its sister the Role Audio Kayak looks to fit the bill and then some. 
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?
Everything audio enthusiasts buy is an overachiever and will compete with anything 2X or 3X the price. At least thats the impression someone new to audio would get hanging around forums :) 
Jungson JA88D anyone?
Really great input.(1) Korsun V8 and Jungson 88D are in the same price range and seem to be prime competitors. The V8 is a OEM for one of the Levinson amps that sells for around $7000. The feedback from your friend seems to parallel what others sa... 
Jungson JA88D anyone?
Review is slated for Enjoy the Music. Wayne Donnelly has already finished the reviews. Not sure when it will be out. Originally anticipated to be out in April or May. Probably more like mid summer.I haven't heard the Monoblocks. One Audio enthusia...