
Responses from matrix

Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
Hmm, thats weird, some technical transfer issue... I have read some very strange things about sacd haveing almost a dog whistle effect on some younger humans and animals, with an ingrained kinda hi freq, pitch, I have heard this on a Bowie SACD th... 
Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
Yes, sir the BAT CD VKD5 I think is one I heard , VERY nice, but I love the wadia on redbook too... both great players, and I am glad people that are truly into the music found the path... SACD is nice but put the money where it really shakes thin... 
Cartridge choice? Shure M97Xe, Ortofon 20, Empire
Okay guys I went with the Empire, it looks like a killer cartridge for the money, better output and the sound should be very nice an in-between the shure and ortofon if that sounds somewhat accurate... Plus the shure or ortofon can be purchased an... 
Cartridge choice? Shure M97Xe, Ortofon 20, Empire
Sounds good, I do not want to get to complex, the empire looks like its good from the specs. but obviously no support anymore, at least with the shures they are great prices and will be around more than likely forever, thanks 
Need much Help Turntable, Phono pre, Cartridge...
I think the next logical move is a fresh and decent cartridge of the newer types, maybe around 250-300 in cost, but that may or may not work out the greatest on the original AR arm, but at least if I do dump the whole table in a year for a better ... 
Need much Help Turntable, Phono pre, Cartridge...
Thanks guys, I am going to get a Dynavector p75 phono pre this weekend at my local dealer, if its as good as everyone makes it out to be then It will stay and I will be happier with the current table... I have Ordered 3" Thick Solid Maple Butcher ... 
AR turntable With Ortofon OM 20 super? & phono amp
thanks Opal.. 
AR turntable With Ortofon OM 20 super? & phono amp
Also, Sean are you saying to actually mount the Cones With points UP(like in a 1/4" piece of Masonite) then set the Table on them spiked to the wood edge? Or mount the cones threaded into the Table standard wise and set that down on a Masonite typ... 
AR turntable With Ortofon OM 20 super? & phono amp
I am considering now on this site an ad for a New Rega 300 arm with an ortofon om 20 mounted for 300.00... seems like a very good deal and possibly the best bet..Now to the Isolation platform, please point to exactly the materials and type cones y... 
Need much Help Turntable, Phono pre, Cartridge...
Hmm, Psychicanimal Looks interesting, first Direct drive recommendation, What cartridge and phono amp would be suggested for this type setup? Thanks 
Need much Help Turntable, Phono pre, Cartridge...
I am searching and the Scoutmaster was just an example I threw out there, but I think a little to far up the Foodchain for my "Seriousness" level of the Vinyl playback, even though I have the money, I need good and solid, but maybe not so pricey..... 
Need much Help Turntable, Phono pre, Cartridge...
Well if a table is the most effective than it is Rushton, I respect that, but would LIKE to not drop 2-3000.00 on upgrading the whole thing, but maybe in the end the only real way to step up a level as you stated. How much should the EF-1 Johnson ... 
Need much Help Turntable, Phono pre, Cartridge...
Okay, so I am looking at this option as it seems it may be a good solid system...---Pick up an Ortofon 0M 20 super, But not sure if this will give great results on my table? any opinions?---Find a better phono stage to drive it, tube or solid, wit... 
Need much Help Turntable, Phono pre, Cartridge...
Sorry, I meant 300 mv I think above for the phono pre, not 3 volt... 
Personal amp evolution