
Responses from mastering92

CD Transport Repair
What in particular failed on the CD transport?If you get it back, you may be able to fix it yourself. Most of the time, it's just realignment or a lens adjustment. If it's new enough, you should be able to get replacement parts if necessary.https:... 
Help! My Nakamichi LX-5 won’t play, rewind, ff, or record.
I have not fixed cassette players before. 2 YouTube channels are fairly helpful with electronics repairs. The process for repair should be similar, if not i... 
Question about integrated amp hookup
Yes. That sounds right.  If in doubt, look up the owners manuals of gear you're using.Some sites sell them for about 5-10 bucks, maybe more. 
I agree.Some CDs can sound "too digital" or "artifical" for lack of better words. Vinyl can sound smooth and have a warm tilt, but usually not grainy like some CDs. The question then becomes - which is more accurate?If we forget about these two me... 
Synergistic Audioholics Challenge
OP,Someone already mentioned this. But it’s a good thing you brought it up again. Perhaps some folks who haven’t seen that post will see yours. Ted Denney Synergistic Research Slander of Audioholics | Audioholics Home Theater Forums but wait... Sy... 
Speaker Cables
The cable itself should not have any sound characteristics.When you talk about "cable synergy" in a system, that does not exist. If I were you I would test 2 pairs - 1 cheap and well built cable, and a more expensive cable for your choice. You sho... 
Installing Dedicated Power Lines -- Need Advice
- what Miller Carbon said. 👍Standard outlets are if such low quality and unsuitable for any device that works with frequencies. 
Compression Horns for Far field listening
Your seller is right. 
Sound quality of Newer versus Older speakers
20 years ago (or even 10 years ago) many people wanted a Hi-Fi system in their homes. People back then were more discerning and picky about audio equipment. For this reason, separates systems with amps, CD players, tuners and even cassette players... 
Salk speakers Integrated Amp suggestion......
Look into Luxman integrated amplifiers. 
Building a New Listening Room on a Budget
Each room may sound slightly different (before or after room treatment)You want the path from the speakers to your ears to be as unhampered as possible. In other words, are sound waves going to bounce off of other objects in the room? If so, the f... 
Second opinions — how have others (including non-audiophiles) helped you?
They haven't been able to help me with my system.Most people listen to music as a source of passive entertainment. They don't take it seriously. I'm told it sounds amazing...but that's it. Give a random person 2 pairs of headphones to try and they... 
Pro-Ject Pre S2 opinions
If you like DACs with ESS chips, the Furutech ADL Stratos is an excellent value for the money.  
Definitely lonely to be an audiophile
It takes more than just common sense to be an audiophile.Most people don't want to invest the time, energy, or effort into achieving objectively/subjectively better audio quality. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "as long as I can hear i... 
Bookshelf speakers can work!
Instead of asking a question, you posted useful information about speaker placement and your personal experience. I certainly hope more folks read what you have written.At 67, still being able to fully enjoy music is an accomplishment. Hats off to...