
Responses from massvm

Is a preamp necessary?
My recommendation is, why don't you just try it? Hook up directly with the DAP driving the B & K and see if it sounds better than with your NAD in the circuit? (I know folks that are driving amps directly with the DAP, although I believe Proce... 
Coaxial or Optical
I will second Timo's statement about the Toslink connectors being inferior to coaxial. I can't offer any opinion on AT&T optical, as I haven't tried them. There are numerous threads on this site covering this subject, and I suggest you search ... 
Best crossover frequency when bi-amp
Your question seems to imply that you are not using your speakers internal crossover, i.e. passive bi-amping, and wish to add an active external crossover. This adds considerable perplexity to a solution that you might wish to be simple. Not to me... 
OK to hook up both RCA and XLR on amp?
I would like to emphasize something that Elizabeth said, contact the manufacturer, but add that unless the inputs on the amp are user selectable switched inputs, you might need to rethink this arrangement. The non-operating unit, either your recei... 
Avguygeorge, I need to question you on one point you made. You state that 15 and 20 amp service wire is the same. It is my understanding that most states electrical code require minimum 14 AWG for 15 amp services, and minimum 12 AWG for 20 amp ser... 
silver vs copper ICs
In response to your question "are there sonic differences between" copper and silver ICs, I would answer yes there are, with the provisos that the quality of either's conductors must also be considered, as should the location in the system, and th... 
Murphy s Laws for Audiophiles
Your significant other's desire to discuss any topic is directly proportional to your excitement toward listening to a new purchase. 
absolute best component you ever owned
Ah-soo, the "Ah-soo"! You were nice enough to provide the thread and the advice on the "Ah-soo" Tireguy, and all I did was wax (that one is for you RC) sardonic. Writing a wrong ... my current amp, Rowland 8TiHC. My opinion, for what it's worth. 
absolute best component you ever owned
My corkscrew. Used liberally prior to and during listening sessions, it enhances the sound of any type of music or equipment . My opinionion, for worth it's what. 
use balanced?
I agree with Tireguy, but will add another aspect to induce head scratching and possible frustration (what would the audio hobby be without it?). I don't know if the Melos is a truly balanced design, nor did you mention if your source components a... 
California electrical shortage audio
Djjd, I would like to add another group of folks to your list that deserve some blame as well. Not that you really need many more, but I think one group of folks should get the finger pointed at them. I am talking about us. We are all partly respo... 
California electrical shortage audio
Chriskh, I would beg to differ with you on what a brownout is. I have been involved with power generation for 15 years, operated a large utility base load generating station, am somewhat familiar with the agreements that utilities and regional pow... 
California electrical shortage audio
I realized I didn't address the "brownout" part very well. Brownout gets it's name from the fact that light bulbs, which are resistive loads, glow less brightly during this phase of utility energy conservation. Since the bult is a resistor, as vol... 
California electrical shortage audio
Dekay, you will not suffer a loss of current during brownouts. In fact just the opposite is true for most (non-resistive) components that are powered up during brownouts, a rise in current to account for the decrease in voltage while maintaining a... 
carver 2000 Receiver 1984 : opinion?
I must admit that I know absolutely nothing about this receiver, but given the level of performance available in today’s products for the price, and given the age of the receiver, and recognizing the lack of support from a manufacturer for this pr...