
Responses from martykl

Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
Personally, I'd recommend an RTA unit, preferably with on-board PEq.Adjust the PEq and phase for flat on-axis FR at and around your usual listening position. There may be some variation as you move the mic, but -in my case- there was little since ... 
Monitor/Sub for low-powered tube amps
Not a specific recommendation, but an idea for an approach.Given the amps you're using, there are both power limitations and an implied philosphy. SETs are usually the domain of minimalist signal path types, so I'm making the assumption that you q... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
Cbw,Good point re: time coherence and co-planar siting, and an interesting test excersize that makes some sense. Never tried it, but - if I get the energy - I will. I spent well over a year screwing around with my subs daily (during a long early r... 
SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
The SS amps I've used include the Odyssey Stratos monos, Krell KSA 50s and TAD Hibachis. All worked very well, but I preferred the TADs over the Krell over the Odysseys. The TADs were also the least expensive choice.That said, I too, prefer a good... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
Bryon,Certainly no need to apologize - particularly since there is a clean chain of logic to your theory. I've just found that, in my experience, varying the listener to sub distance doesn't produce any audible issues TO MY EAR, provided that FR i... 
hybrid solid state amps
Pathos amps use a tube front end and ss output stage. Don't know about their size and cost, though.I assume you mean power amps, but the Pathos Classic One integrated fits your bill, too.Marty 
drive by truckers
III it is.I'll chase it down and report back here.Marty 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
My bottom line is that when I optimize my subs for smoothest FR in a co-planar arrangement it sounds no better (or worse) than when the subs are FR optimized for placement 2 1/2 feet behind the mains. It does, however, require significantly more E... 
drive by truckers
John,I ordered the Slobberbone cd you recommended, but 2 Cow's "Wall Against Our Backs" wasn't available. Might be out of Print? So, if you were choosing your next most hightly recommended 2 Cow cd, it would be....?Thanks in advance.Marty 
what cover versions are better than the original
Eldulcesol,I'll see your Tea Party and raise you one Feelies. Killer version of "Paint It Black".New thread: best cover of Paint It Black?Actually, I've never heard either of the other versions mentioned here, so I can't compare them, but The Feel... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
I should note that I didn't mean to be dismissive of Bryon's initial observation which (I assume) is paraphrased as:"If you're gonna fix the room induced FR problems by separating the source of bass from the rest of the spectrum and moving it clos... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
One more thought re: cbw's observation that his subs are sentitive to movements of 1 inch. That would be a little extreme IME, but his point is taken. Small movements of the source of deep bass can audibly affect the perceived sound, but once agai... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
There's an element of "When did you stop beating your wife?" to this discussion. It starts with the presumption of guilt (for subwoofers) and asks for proof of innocence.I can (and have) set up subs that sound somewhat overdamped - producing a lea... 
Grant Green suggestions
Alex,Utterly unknown to me - and I would remember anyone who goes by the name of "boogallo". I will check it out - thanx again.Marty 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
"Why do subs sound bloated or slow?"I think it's hard to optimize a sub set-up by ear. That approach requires more time, work and patience than most people are willing to invest. If more people used the available tools - real time room analysis - ...