

Responses from mapman

decware err radial speakers
Anyone know anything about the custom radial driver used and how that works? I'm wondering how it is similar or different from Walsh drivers in general?Also I am wondering if these are bottom ported?Thanks. 
Stylus Drag
"Also, as several designers have schooled me, there is no such flywheel effect from heavy platters that compensates for this. "Its basically inertia. A heavier mass in motion will require greater force (friction in case of stylus tracking a record... 
Stylus Drag
IT's been awhile, but with many older belt and DD tables from the 70's, back when I dealt with many, I do not recall the strobe indicating any measured slowdown in speed with record playing versus not with units in good condition. WIth units with ... 
Tidal Speakers owners
If you are in Germany and considering Tidal speakers, maybe take a look at these first for potential cost savings:OHM Walsh SpeakersIF you get to hear them and compare I'd be interested if you could post findings here on Agon. 
How important is an audio rack?
It's very important to dealers due to relatively high markup/profit margin compared to actual electronic gear I'd bet.A solid foundation to support gear is important to keep it stable, especially components with physical moving parts that directly... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
I would really like to hear the OHMs on a SOTA high power tube amp but am probably not brave (or rich) enough to own such a rig myself and I really can't fault the sound with a good SS amp behind it.Modern high quality Class D amps and OHMs practi... 
Nasty slap echo
BTW legend has it that the original Three Stooges has slap echo down perfectly in their listening room.Curly: "A whooba whooba"!Moe: "Shaddap and listen!" Slap!Larry: "Leave him alone"!Moe: Slap!Curly: Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck!You get the picture... 
Stylus Drag
Yes, technically there is drag that will vary but practically I would not worry about it if speed is set properly with a quality table like yours that appears to have a massive platter. The drive mechanism combined with inertia of a heavy platter ... 
Granit amp stands are they killing my sound?
"Granit amp stands are they killing my sound?"Not likely. 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
THe thing is, I have yet to hear the OHMs run out of gas at any volume one might listen to. The amp seems to practically always be the bottleneck first. Even my current 500w/ch CLass D amps cannot seem to phase my larger OHM 5s or even my smaller ... 
Who is the World's Best 'New' Female Vocalist
Jessica Sanchez from American Idol?Only 16 (brand spanking new) but technically chops that would seem to match just about anyone. 
Nasty slap echo
"How does the room sound? ...Sometimes a little echo can yield very nice ambiance to the music. "That's an important point! It's always useful to understand your room's acoustics and how they are working, but a "slap echo" may be a good or bad thi... 
Nasty slap echo
Yep add natural room furnishings little by little (cushioned furniture, rugs, window coverings, decorative items, etc. to absorb sound until echoing is under control enough for things to sound good. 
are my amps clipping?
I don't think in general a fuse blowing can be attributed to clipping. More likely, the speakers are just being driven to the point where the fuses blow. The amp may or may not actually be clipping when it occurs. In any case, assuming everything ... 
Periodic replacement of Audio Grade Fuses?
We tend to think of fuses in an almost binary sense, ie the circuit is closed or open depending on fuse state.But fuses are resistive devices designed to essentially "burn out" at the right time. Heat is generated to various extents at all times b...