

Responses from mapman

Where do you go after a Dynaudio C1 ?
COmparing lots of speakers is a good thing for any individual to do before buying. I'd trust each to draw their own conclusions though and what one ends up picking for whatever reason should really have no bearing on what the next would choose, as... 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
In order to compare apples/apples live/in-house, ie just how the music sounds, it helps to close your eyes, and just listen. After all stereos only reproduce sound, not all the other things mentioned FBOFW at a live concert. 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Batch,Glad to hear that things are shaping up as they should! 
Ideas on speaker like Magnepan but with high WAF
OHM Walsh styling may not be everyone's cup of tea but footprint is small for sound delivered and placement fairly close to walls is possible. Decware is more omni and might require greater distance to walls, not sure. Have not heard Decware but w... 
Duet to Touch for next upgrade?
Pre-amp generally has a huge effect on sound so trying different ones is a good place to look for sound improvements in the areas of tonality, noise levels, detail/resolution, imaging, soundstage, overall musicality, smoothness, etc. Also note tha... 
500 Greatest Albums of all Times
I guess RS including non rock albums including jazz, country hip hop, soul and others is thier way of saying there is more to music than rock. Gee, whoda thunk it? 
What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like?
I suspect audio engineers want their work to stand out just like most pros so they all do their own thing as best we can. Recording what a live performance sounds like was cool and cutting edge back in the 50s but probably pretty passe and non dis... 
best vintage stereo receiver
I wish I still had my Tandberg tr2080. IT was the best! 
Ideas on speaker like Magnepan but with high WAF
I moved from Magnepan to OHM Walsh and sound improved in every way in addition to WAF. Maggies sound best well out into a room away from rear wall usually. OHMs are designed to go much closer. 
Duet to Touch for next upgrade?
Hmm, not sure that I would look to a Touch as a significant sound upgrade if I already had a Duet + a good external DAC.The reason I think this is that with the same external DACs, I did not notice a significant sound change at all moving to Touch... 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
Pbn,Personally I think it great that vendors participate in teh forums as long as they are forthright about it which you were.Hopefully audiogon gets past the malaise that the very poorly conceived and executed recent "big bang" site upgrade seemi... 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
"Pbnaudio, yes you make them, and they do look impressive; but "Live Sound"? No offense, but I doubt it. I don't want to derail what could be a very interesting discussion by bringing up the issue of the appropriateness of using a thread like this... 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
"I have heard fewer systems that at moderate volumes get a lot closer to the feeling created (for example) by a live kick drum and snare, and which as a result allow the bass playing on the music to be much more realistically in synch (groove) wit... 
What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like?
I would say the sound of live music is relevant as a reference for what music really sounds like but the reality is that a recording (and the venue we play it in) is not the same as a live performance.I do not have a problem saying that the system... 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
"Mapman, what venus are you speaking of in Maryland?"Hmm, well, its very small and only a few tables in the sweet spot, so I am going to be a bit selfish and not disclose openly here.I would send you an email if that were still possible incognito ...