

Responses from mapman

SS Pre-amps that can beat an Audio Research sp16
Tin, was it the newer BEnchmark pre/DAC device that you heard or the older version that has been out for a few years?I have read a few things indicating the newer version is not "dry" or perhaps as "analytical" sounding as the older version, perha... 
When is a Listening Room Too Big
You are right about sometimes less being more, especially in the case of a very lively larger room.I think large rooms work well with Maggie in particular. The best Maggie setup I ever heard (and among the best I have heard anywhere) was at Jim SM... 
SS Pre-amps that can beat an Audio Research sp16
Tim,Spread Spectrum is an impressive looking beast. A bit large and pricey for me at this point though.Can you compare or contrast it to the BC or BEnchmark or others from what you have heard? In what way/ways is it better/different?Thanks. 
Tubes vs Solid State - Imaging, Soundstaging, 3D
Atmasphere, I suspect you are somewhat of a rebel at heart as well! I respect that! 
Tubes vs Solid State - Imaging, Soundstaging, 3D
"You are confusing taste (for which there is no accounting) with actual perceptual rules, which vary over the entire population by about 1%. IOW there is a big difference here."Hmmm, not sure how far "rules" get you in lieu of "tastes" when it com... 
New speakers for an old receiver
With the less efficient small speakers/monitors, expect some extended bass response at low to moderate listening volume, but also to run out of gas quickly if/when the volume goes up.Worth considering if you prefer to go louder and clearer and giv... 
Tubes vs Solid State - Imaging, Soundstaging, 3D
"Yes, if one considers that to be a good thing even though it is accomplished at the expense of other things. "Frog, wondering what other things specifically?Pinpoint imaging maybe?I might agree with that but I tend to think of pinpoint imaging ab... 
New to Audiogon. selling my whole system
I read in his NY Times obituary he was apparently quite a talented character! 
New speakers for an old receiver
That's a beauty, but only 20 watts.The good news is that if it is in good condition, it will probably sound better than ever with the right pair of modern speakers.SO look for high efficiency speakers, 90db+, the more the better, that will enable ... 
New to Audiogon. selling my whole system
BTw, just read that Starker just passed away earlier this year.http://www.amazon.com/forum/classical%20music?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx2O5YQ79OVJBUQ&cdThread=TxK3S97EYXDJA6What a talent! I strongly recommend anyone interested in classical m... 
SS Pre-amps that can beat an Audio Research sp16
No doubt the sp16 is an absolutely fantastic piece especially at its price point. I am really just about 100% pleased with what I have whenever I listen, I have to pull myself away eventually though. I suppose that's the best sign there is.HEy but... 
New to Audiogon. selling my whole system
I have the first Mercury Living Presence box set which includes several fine recordings featuring Janos Starker and yes, these in particular as well as many of the other MLP recordings are quite special in the miking techniques and attention to so... 
Jolida 1501RC hybrid integrated vs. Rogue's Sphinx
Cronus Magnum is a very fine tube integrated and sounds fantastic with the right speakers to match. HAve not heard the Sphinx hybrid yet. Need to get down to my local Rogue dealer and see if he has it. I would expect similar good results but not b... 
SS Pre-amps that can beat an Audio Research sp16
JMC,Thanks for the Klyne suggestion. Was not familiar with those but very intriguing. A good built in SS phono pre-amp that could work with my low output Denon dl103R out of the box without a step up transformer like I use currently would be a big... 
SS Pre-amps that can beat an Audio Research sp16
Al, I revisited the Sterophile measurements on the sp16. It shows pretty flat and extended frequency response into 100Kohm output impedance, which is what the BC amp input impedance is. Hard to find any fault with that, for sure. When I get some t...