

Responses from mapman

Something similar to Mahler
Hearing a good complete Mahler 3rd live is high on my list of things to do.Heard the musical box genesis cover band do a complete repro of suppers ready a few years back. Heaven! 
Mozart Fans Only
I'll agree with Schubert's assessment of Schubert's music. 
Something similar to Mahler
Schubert, you are on a roll today putting Mahler and rock music in the same boat of ne'er-do-wells, eh?Oh well, at he is in GOOD rock music company.Mahler 3rd is unmatched on its turf in my book. Nothing else sucks me in as deeply as quickly and t... 
Classical music - starting points
"Peter and the Wolf" was a childhood favorite of mine ( the old Bernstein NY phil. recording on Columbia Masterworks). "The Moldau" by Smetana followed. My older sister had these records and I had none, so I got to listen only to those they had al... 
Dynaudio contour with 30 watt amp
Any speaker can be damaged (usually to tweeter) by any amp when it clips, and all amps clip at some point.30 watts to Dynaudios certainly has practical potential to clip and damage speakers if volume of peak dynamic levels gets too high. More powe... 
Marantz Pearl Lite for LS50, or..
"Also, as I'm totally new in this thing, will a pure Class A tube amp with 18 Watt sufficient for my room?"Good quality small speakers with extended bass, like these KEFs, tend to have very low efficiency and all like power and current, the more t... 
Speaker imaging
Plastic Surgery may be in order for the TRUE audiophile.Look good, hear great.....When the women start flocking around though, to hell with this silly hobby! 
building a system around dynaudios?
Its true, Sphinx delivers a lot on paper in a small and affordable packages, and I have never heard any Rogue gear sound less than very musical (I have heard various other integrateds and amps, but not SPhinx yet), so I am a big Rogue fan when it ... 
building a system around dynaudios?
Have not heard either amp, but regardless the Dynaudios will like the additional power that the Class D hybrid Rogue has to offer. If it were me, I'd go with that over the Rega as a no brainer based on the published specs. The Rogue tube hybrid de... 
Need help with Squeezebox Touch
Maboon,Try rebooting the unattached SB again now that the server is clearly running and the other atteched.Use the menu on teh device to select and attach to the server if needed. Its possible this might be needed even if only one server is detect... 
Tweeter type and brightness
..and also lets not forget the potential issue with jitter in digital audio specifically.Noise/jitter/clipping....minimize those three and be in a good position to judge all the rest. 
Tweeter type and brightness
Broad,Clipping could be another factor that affects all sound, not just high frequencies.Also noise resulting from power source, nearby EM fields, etc.Do you know if your setup might be clipping, even subtly/slightly when the problem occurs?Once c... 
Does hard drive noise in your PC color affect SQ?
Not in my setup.I use a Wifi networked player (Squeezebox Touch) that is a good distance away from computer servers and hard drives. Wifi provides electronic isolation from any computer generated noise, and distance provides physical isolation fro... 
Speaker imaging
No distractions=serious listening.My Jack Russell Terrier is a pain sometimes, but I hear Spider Monkeys are the worst! Don't Think...feel! - Bruce Lee 
What is a good power amplifier?
TAD Hibachi monoblocks can be had used for under $1000 a pair if/when they still come up. 180 w/ch, sound leans just slightly to the warm side perhaps like a good tube amp.Caveat is that TAD is no longer around in that the owner/designer passed aw...