Responses from mapman
Amps that switch on when receiving an audio signal Now I want it for my amps. Damn! | |
Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it One other factor to consider in TCO is how much power is used. Power bills for Class A and even Class A/B amps, SS or tube, even running idle, can be quite high. Class D amps are the most efficient available and the best for keeping TCO down as it... | |
Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it Lots of people are happy with tube gear. TCO can be lower case by case. It all depends as is usually the case. The devil is always in the details. | |
Amps that switch on when receiving an audio signal "Not really important no great amp have this."Important to who?Its a nice feature if one cares. Some do apparently. I would not mind having it if all else is in line as well. | |
Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it "Sacrifice something to the audio gods."That seems to be a common practice in these parts. Almost a right of passage when plain simple good sound alone is just not enough. | |
What do you recommend for a solid state for office Can't imagine you'd be going very loud in an office so most anything with the right features for you should work quite well. What's best for another may not be what's best for you. I'd focus on well reviewed products with the features you need and... | |
Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it Tube preamp + good matching Class D amp (and speakers) is a very viable lower TCO solution to tube amps and all that goes with that.A tube output stage on a DAC is a very low TCO option if one must have a tube or two in the mix.No tubes at all may... | |
Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it " but anything that is finely tuned will require regular maintenance. "That is true, but not all approaches are created equal in this regard. Some require more periodic tuning to maintain over time. Systems using parts that wear out or deteriorate... | |
W4S Mamp or Bel Canton REF500 m ? REF1000 was stock Icepower in a box. Ref1000m added power supply board and input circuit board for higher input impedance to match better to tube preamps. Wyred added similar input circuit board as well only last I checked. So the differences vary... | |
Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it If you care about TCO, keep it simple. | |
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp... Glad to hear its working as it should now. Time to just enjoy now hopefully. | |
W4S Mamp or Bel Canton REF500 m ? Does the Mamp line do anything special with the power supply? That used to be the thing that distinguished the BC Ref500m and ref1000m from similar Wyred offerings.Other than that they both use similar Icepower amp boards and add their own input c... | |
Best A'gon System Having never heard any but my own, it's hard to say other than I love a nice simple easy to maintain, well thought out system in a room with a view. I'll keep an eye open and report back. | |
Do Pangea PC's really outperform standard PC's They do on my arc preamp and mhdt dacs. | |
what speakers Some people might fall in love with the amp. 🔇Love is strange. |